Monday 26 June 2017

Angel Orbs or Dust?


I have been having a lot of ghostly and Angelic experiences recently that I want to share with you.  I am continuing to write my book, Writing with Angels but this needs voicing.

This urgency to let you know what has been happening has come with the advent of the Angel Orbs spinning around my very own bedroom at night.  For a while, I only occasionally saw these spheres when I videoed my encounters with the Men In Black Spirits I have already posted on here and my Youtube Channel.  Aware of the controversy created by sceptics and many paranormal experts that these light anomalies are simply dust or water on a camera lens, I didn't think there would be much point in concentrating on them because they would not be taken seriously.  So I dismissed them.

That was until I noticed they were appearing more and more and finally in large numbers in my bedroom at night.  They didn't appear in my room every night but when they did they were usually white or opaque.  However, after a while they changed in to all different colours and grew larger.  They were also accompanied by flashes of brightly coloured lights.

I was amazed and decided they had to be more than dust.  There were too many of them.  I started to post them on online and at first they didn't receive much attention.  That was until I made the mistake of posting them in the paranormal subreddit on Reddit.  I got a lot of messages that informed me it was dust and I was basically stupid.  They were offensive, rude troll comments and these so called superior, more informed people even considered the brightly purple orb I caught on camera to be dust as well.  One guy even told me to get an air filter to clean out my room! LOL.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but they were taking it to the extreme and insisting my house was full of dust!  Take a look at the videos below and consider whether or not you have seen dust particles that size and whether or not they would move around like that.

I am all for healthy good natured and polite scepticism.  I am not fully sure what they are.  I'd like to believe they are wonderful Angelic beings floating around looking after us but I can't know for sure.  Neither can Scientists be sure they are dust.  Maybe they are a natural phenomena none of us have even considered yet.  One thing is for sure, I know what dust looks like and this isn't it! LOL.  In any event I don't need a camera to see these Orbs and I have seen them inside the house, in other buildings & houses and outside in the fresh air with my own eyes.

What do you think?  Keep it polite. :)

Check out my latest Orb videos below together with a MIB spirit video.  Remember you can see all of my videos on my Youtube Channel.

In the next few days I will be posting on more light phenomena and two Readings I recently found myself giving out of the blue in a restaurant for the fist time.

Enjoy your evening and don't have nightmares! :)


Latest Video,

Large Purple Orb

And finally for all those new to the blog, my MIB video! :)

Friday 2 June 2017

I Didn't go To Bed Alone!

Check out my new spooky video capturing the large Spirit Orbs flying around my bedroom at night!

I will be doing a new post on here very soon.

