Thursday 3 May 2018

Aliens, Alien Dimensions, States of Existence, Space & Astral Travel, 7th Density & Quantum Leap


I want to launch straightaway in to the second part of the vision I experienced because I have so much else I want to share with you after that.

After I  sped off in to space trying to escape Nathan attempting to whether me back to the earth plain, I am vaguely aware of travelling through another tunnel made up of strips of light in space.  I was once more in my black dress and dragging my injured or as a friend has suggested to me, my old self in the space suit.  It was hard work trying to rise up to the space roof with the weight I was carrying to birth myself in to the next dimension.  But this time, I was to receive some help.  A woman appearing as an Angel who I have seen a few times recently gave me some help, propelling my body and the spacesuit upwards.

Once through the invisible roof, I was surrounded by waves of colour.  The ones that still stand out to me now, are yellow and purple.  I have been there before in a vision and I wanted to go further.  But on this occasion, the roof was more of a distance to reach and was going to be a challenge.  Still, I was ready and willing to attempt it.

I rose upwards with difficulty, pulling the suit with me.  The Angel rose to help and some of my MIBs assisted me.  I made it.

Once more, I discovered I was in another dimension hovering over a large pale blue planet.  I was suddenly back in the spacesuit merged with my old self.  Nathan appeared again holding the lifeline.

I heard him say, "You are way too high up here.  You have to come back now."

At this point, I realised I had to do as I was told and not to object.  The same feeling I had in the healing session I recorded in an earlier post when I couldn't come back from a deep healing meditation, washed over me again.  If I didn't listen to him, I knew I would be stuck, orbiting the planet in this density, whatever it was, forever.  A frightening, claustrophobic thought!

Nathan informed me that I was located in the 7th Density.  He attached the lifeline to my spacesuit once more and instantly I felt my body jolt on the bed coupling with the strange sensation of falling quickly.  At that moment, I didn't want to go back despite the idea of being stuck.  I hated having to come back and I actually cried as I fell back to earth.  I have also experienced this feeling and sensation before in a very peaceful group meditation.

My body rose and fell on the bed.  I was then told three versions of my form needed to return to my body.  I saw each one enter the room through a door that served as a portal and lie back down inside me.  The third was heavy and dense which helped to ground me back to this 3rd density.  Roots grew from my feet to ground me in to the earth as I have been told on many group mediations, healings etc to do, only this time it wasn't me who was making them grow but my MIBs.  I was back to earth with a thud and grounded back in reality however disappointing it all was!

A couple of nights ago after the vision, I woke in the middle of the night.  After going to the bathroom, I could feel one of my MIBs hands on my shoulders guiding me back to bed.  This happens a lot.  I shrugged him off in my sleepy state.  I could make my own bloody way back to bed without his help. Lol.  But as I lay back down to sleep, I physically saw Nathan in the flesh rather than just a black and white projection!  He looked so young, about twenty-five years old or maybe younger and so handsome standing by my bed guarding me with the others. :)

I fell back asleep only to wake again a couple of hours later to physically see a male spirit in my room who should not have been there.  He was wearing a glaring yellow shirt and odd checked trousers.  Yuk.  If that wasn't enough to scare me! Lol.  He grinned and made a face as if to frighten me.  I told him to, how do I say this in polite terms? To F off, turned over and went back to sleep. Lol.

The next day, I kept thinking about how I saw Nathan.  When I did, I felt as though it wasn't anything paranormal I was seeing but something, I suppose you could call it, more scientific.  I am seeing people from an other dimension, to be precise, aliens from another dimension.  I don't believe in ghosts anymore.  I think that when you die you are merely changing in to a different state to accommodate another plain or in simple terms, your home, the place you originally came from.  Some of you will scoff but I have always thought science and the paranormal are linked and are one and the same.  Perhaps we are all aliens?  There are no ghosts, just people in a different form and state of existence from another dimension stepping inside our own.  Maybe they are hologram from another dimension.  Think Quantum Leap.

To finish, one of my spiritually minded friends has just informed me today that a lot of what I have been experiencing has been validated in book 2 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. I am going to check out the books and do some research.  I will let you know what I find out and how all of my experiences link with the alien beings he talks about that only a handful of people can see among us on the earth!

Enjoy your evening and remember, don't have nightmares!


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