Friday 3 February 2017

Me & The MIBs


So what's this blog all about? Well, if you have been reading my posts on my Writing With Angels Blog you will know about the mystery of the Men In Black Spirits around me who act like security guards from the spirit world and help me write as an author.  Crazy?  Probably but I have the video evidence to prove it! :)  I will give you a link to that later on.  This blog is a diary of my experiences with them and how they have become a big influence in my life both as an author, a Spiritual Medium and an ordinary woman with issues! :)

I have hidden my experiences with the Men In Black for a long time but now I am coming out of the closet.  My Writing With Angels Blog detailed how I first saw them when writing a book back in 2010 but I know they have been around me since I was born.  There is a lot of stuff online about MIBs but I am not sure there are any in this form.  My MIBs serve as Spiritual Guides, Protectors and Gurus if you like.  They are always there and never leave my side.  I clearly id not come to this world on my own.  I don't think anyone does after what I have seen.

As a Medium I see them physically as well as in my mind's eyes.  I also feel their touch and occasionally hear them talking.  Even now as I sit here in Costas in the corner located in a department store, I can see them wandering up and down making sure the area is secure. :)  There is a young lady in spirit who used to work in the store and she keeps trying to grab my attention walking up and down next to them.  She is there  every time I go in which is often and she chats both to me and them. She must have had clearance to approach and talk to me because they don't allow anyone in spirit near me unless it is important. Lol.  They get pretty defensive and stand in front of me urging the spirit to go away.  I am only occasionally allowed to give readings.  I have been told by them that my spiritual work is to be concentrated in my writing!  And I do as I am told.  Why so much security around me?  Why are they all men?  Beats me.  I am nobody.  But there is and its an army.  They treat me like a VIP and I find it very comforting not to mention special.  I'd like to think everyone gets this treatment from Spirit.

Angels?  Not sure.  They always wear a black suit complete with sunglasses and look like they just walked out of a Prada shoot.  One of the first times I saw the handsome MIB I call Nathan who considers himself my principal MIB guide, he was dressed in the suit and a long black wool coat.  He stood by the window in my bedroom in the middle of the night when I came out of the bathroom in my old nightdress with hair all over the place looking like a bloody scarecrow.  It was bloody embarrassing I can tell you.  Knowing him more now he probably did it deliberately to wind me up. Lol.

I have to admit having them around makes me feel safe but it can also put a dent in your privacy.  Still I am not sure I could go to sleep at night now if they weren't there walking around at the bottom of the bed and through all the other rooms in the house.  I would find it odd to be without them.

They inspire my stories whether they be erotic romance, thrillers or even vampire novels.  Some of the suggestions they make for the erotic stories are pretty funny.  If you know my work as Arabella Kingsley you will note that my book covers always feature a rich well dressed man on the front in either a black suit or more than often, a tuxedo.  One of their suggestions I loved.  Men look great in a tux.  It also carries the theme of the MIB phenomena in my life out in to the world.  I wouldn't care I even dress in black a lot myself with dark sunglasses.  Weird!  Black is my favourite colour along with red.  Maybe I am a WIB in disguise? ;)

Anyway, tonight's post is just an introduction.  I have a lot tales to tell and I hope you will join me in the next post.

To prove I am not the complete looney tune you might think I am, check out these two videos I did of my MIBs & Nathan.  Remember to keep watching because the images will become clearer.

You can watch all of my videos capturing spirit orbs and Men In Black on my Woman In Black Youtube Channel.

If you want to read more about my MIBs and the connection they have to my writing as well as to read, Forget Me Nots, the story inspired by them and my own past life and paranormal experiences, please go to Writing With Angels.

If you want to know more about my Erotic Romance & Romantic Thriller Novels written under my pen name, Arabella Kingsley and to read some excerpts from them, please go to Arabella Kingsley Erotic Novels.

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