Sunday 5 February 2017

Stars, Martin Kemp, MIBs & A Doll.


Sunday night blues depressing you?  No worries.  I will do all I can to make you laugh and forget them for a while.  How has your weekend gone?

Well my principal Man In Black has continued his obsession of showing me stars wherever I go.  Your Spirit Guides and Angels will show you something over and over again to get a message across and it will become obsessive if you don't listen or see.  More than often Nathan will communicate just my talking in my mind.  But occasionally I have heard him loud and clear in his own voice.  It was very odd hearing a male voice echo loudly in your mind instead of what spirit normally do and come in via your voice.  That was when I learnt he was American and from around the 1920s.  He even had the nerve to call me his Doll to a Medium once! Lol.  So I am guessing he might have been Mob!  It just gets better.

Nathan has been showing me stars in all forms since before Christmas and continues to do so in the most vigorous way.  Christmas was easy for him because he used every Christmas star he could find.  Everywhere I went in the two small towns near me I saw stars hanging in windows, in offices, on clothes, on TV, on cards and woe betide me if I saw a Starbucks or watched Star Trek.  They were everywhere! Even the word Star written down.  They weren't all Christmas ones.  I sat down on a bench in the town to fix my boots and there was a gold star stuck on it!  Anyway it has continued and today he pushed it more.  The man is relentless!  I suppose if you had a mission and a plan you were given to follow from beyond on earth with your charge, you would have to find new inventive ways to get the message code across.  Must be frustrating if the person isn't listening!!!

This morning I turned on the TV and Martin Kemp was doing an advert for his new show, Going For Gold.  He walked up to the camera with a smile in a black suit and held up a large star!!!  Then I have seen him on and off through the day with a black suit on Saturday Kitchen Best Bites and online in a image of a shower of gold stars.  So why am I so dumb and not getting the message?  Because I can't find it in my heart to believe Nathan.  I am a doubting Thomas I guess.

I am in the middle of a divorce and feeling both bitter and very angry, not to mention the terrible hurt.  I see my future as bleak and my career even worse.  I feel stuck.  It is one of those times when you feel you are stagnating and all the doors are all locked.  Sounds like a Nordic Noir drama I just watched called Trapped! I believe the stars represent my career and the abundance that is to come.  I just wish I could allow my self to see it actually happening.  I guess I don't believe I am worth it or that I deserve it.

This brings me neatly on to a new Spiritual book I have been listening to as an Audiobook by Gabrielle Bernstein called, The Universe Has Your Back.  This is something else Nathan has been literally shoving in my face.  The circumstances of my divorce left me angry at the Universe and doubting any help I might receive.  I knew my husband from 17 and have tried to control the baffling and frightening change to my life despite my MIB's insistence all is well and they will take care of me.  I have refused to believe the Universe would care about a woman like me.  Slowly but surely the message has dawned on me that  I should fall backwards with my eyes closed and let the Universe catch me.  I won't be let down and the future is so bright, I have to wear shades as the songs says!  On top of the stars they keep showing me crosses to emphasise the point.  I was even shown the stars making the shape of a cross and a large star in the sky at night. There is no escape.

In the book, Gabrielle Bernstein talks about surrender and letting go.  You will be caught and all detours and obstacles are part of the plan to get you on the right track.  So I am trying to let go.  Cue the song!  Not easy for an obsessive compulsive disorder person, I can tell you.  It is all I have left.  I am not good at trusting anyone or anything so this is major for me.  I told you I had issues!

As Doreen Virtue says, if you see a symbol or number more than three times you are being given a message.  Make sure you hear and see it.  Follow your star and let go of the crap!  Everything will be alright!

Before you go, check out my latest video in which I caught my MIB's faces imprinted on a tree outside Costas of all places.  They follow me everywhere!  Maybe they just want a Gingerbread Latte like me. :)


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