Thursday 9 February 2017

Things That Go Bump In The Night & Uninvited Guests!

I had a disturbed sleep last night and afterwards I recorded the video early morning to try and find out what was going on in the house.  I haven't been able to sleep for a while.  It is probably due to stress over the divorce but last night it was due to something totally different.  There have been strange sounds in the house off and on which have become more noticeable since my ex left and the dog was sent up North to my mother-in-laws for a while.  Every house makes a noise at night but you get to know its creaks and groans.  They are familiar and comforting.  However, when you hear other sounds on top of the usual ones your ears prick up.

This has happened on more than a few occasions necessitating in me sleeping with headphones on listening to an audiobook most of the night so I can block it out and sleep.  I keep waking up anyway off and on through the night and usually around 2am then just after 4am.  Same times most nights.  Last night I woke with a start at 2pm.  Over the headphones I heard a bang.  I tried to ignore it and the fact that it was coming from the upstairs landing.  I'd heard similar sounds before and I tried to console myself it was just my Guides, or as I affectionately call them, my MIBs walking around doing their usual security detail. :)  However it happened again.  I got up knowing no one in the flesh was in the house because the alarm hadn't gone off.  I could see nothing and my daughter wasn't up.

I returned to bed and hoped things would settle down.  How wrong I was!  Putting my headphones in again I settled down only to hear yet another loud bang.  This time I was up on my feet pretty sharpish and ready to remonstrate with whoever in the spirit world was trying to attract my attention in the middle of the night!  I stormed across the landing checking everywhere again and could see nothing.  I heard my daughter stir in her room and I called out to her wondering if she had heard anything.  She'd heard the same.  But there was more to come.

Crossing the landing towards her room something white rushed past me.  I stopped dead feeling creeped out.  It hadn't been black and one of my MIBs.  Someone was in the house from the Spirit Realm who shouldn't be.  That was it!  Slightly afraid I went in to my daughter's room and bunked there.  She was disturbed as well.  When we woke in the morning she told me that she had also heard a woman's voice calling out for help in the middle of the night.  I'd had my headphones on again desperately trying to ignore any other noises and my MIBs who I could see walking around and guarding us.  But I do vaguely remember hearing a cry during the night not at the same time as my daughter and put the muffled sound down to the Barn Owl that frequently visits.  My daughter was adamant she heard a woman calling for help.  So who knows I might have heard her as well!

Around 6.20 it started again, this time in the ensuite bathroom.  Luckily it was a fit time to get up and let the day in.  When my daughter was in the shower I walked across the landing testing the floorboards and discovered some of the more quieter sounds were floorboards moving around when someone walks on them.  I took a video upstairs and as usual I captured some orbs in the bedroom, and my office.  Taking another one downstairs I found the lounge full of them.  If you want to see what I found take a look at the video below.

I know it isn't the house, it's something to do with me.  I am having experiences all of the time and when I go out.  They are trying to get my attention.  Luckily I have my MIBs.  Check out the video of the two I caught on video standing behind me.

Is anyone else having nightly visitors or uninvited guests trying to get your attention? :)

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