Wednesday 11 April 2018

Spaceships & Aliens, The Man In Black, Terrifying Visions, Dreams, Angels, Hurricane Ophelia & Barcelona


I am very excited to announce the release of my book detailing my experiences with my principal MIB guide & Twin Flame, Nathan together with all of the other MIBs around me.  This book also contains some of the blog posts I have written so far as well.  It is available via my own publishing company website, Star Temple Publishing Ltd on  Check it out at and read about my experiences in the Terrorist Attacks in Barcelona, on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic in Hurricane Ophelia and what occurred when I met former Radio 1 DJ, Mike Read on a cruise to the Caribbean.

Now my book pitch is over I can turn to what has been happening to me the last few days!

Have your meditations ever turned strange?  Do they sometimes resemble visions more than anything?  Well, something new has been happening to me.  It has been going on for a couple of weeks but in the last few days my meditations have become strong and have co-incided with symbolic dreams of seeing a tsunami, a high tide and fog threatening to swamp me but never quite reaching.  I will start with the experience I endured yesterday.  I use the word endured because once I tell you what happened you will understand that it is an appropriate word to use.

My vision involved three aeroplanes being destroyed.  I believe they were used as a metaphor to help me understand some strong emotions and changes I have been going through lately but if you have any insight to this account please leave a comment and let me know.  They have been accompanied by some odd dreams I have recently had as well which I will detail a bit later on.

I found myself dressed in one of my favourite black dresses and black high heels.  This is usually the MIBs referencing that I am one of them albeit female and that usually, I am in charge which is great fun!  I was sitting next to Nathan on a plane.  I say plane but I am unsure of what it was exactly.  It only partly resembled one.  Part of me wonders it was really some kind of spacecraft.  It had a large black tail like an ordinary plane but the body was wide and square shaped.  There was a large door open to the side and I could see the plane descending.

It was very close to the surface of an ocean.  I could really see the water and I felt as though I were actually there.  This is something I have felt before.  When writing the book in which Nathan introduced himself by playing my character to help me develop the story (something you can read about in my book), I was carried across water to the ship I wrote about by Angels.  That had also felt very real so this was nothing new.  But what was frightening was how low the plane got to the water.  But there was more to come.

Nathan sat next to me.  I couldn't tell you what the inside of this makeshift plane looked like.  I was too busy focused on the water and when the plane was an inch off the surface I knew we were trying to land on it.  What I didn't expect was it to submerge under water!

Nathan helped me out of my seat and up through the water to the surface.  We bobbed around at the top.  I was wearing a life jacket as was he.  He kept tight hold of me and I was vaguely aware of the other MIBs around me in the water.  Above our heads a helicopter came to hover.  It was military and had a white star with a grey outline on the side rather like the grey US Navy one I have seen in movies - especially the one in the film involving a warship going back in time just before Pearl harbour, The Final Countdown starring Martin Sheen & Kirk Douglas back in 1980.  One of my favourites!  Also, you have to remember Nathan and my MIBs are American.  I am told this is the first life in a long time I have been English!

Anyway, as usual I am digressing.  Nathan made sure I was taken up in to the helicopter to safety before dipping back under the water to return to the spacecraft come aeroplane.  I did not see him again until the end of the meditation.  Once in the helicopter it rose high up in to the sky and strangely, above the clouds.

Out of the helicopter I looked down at a long thin Boeing plane, a bit like a 757 with the same white star on its body.  All of a sudden I found myself in that plane sitting in a seat with a seatbelt on.  The plane suddenly went in to a nose dive.  It was awful!  I was only vaguely aware of other passengers around me.  Then I was transported somewhere else.

Whilst lying in bed earlier this week I was treated to a vision of a row of terraced houses somewhere in the UK and a weird dizzy sensation when I focused in on them.  God knows why!! However, during this meditation I was suddenly standing a small distance away from them.  The plane I had just been in descended and crashed nose down in to one of the houses and destroyed the rest.  I was horrified.  The dust and debris flew across towards me as the plane flipped over on to its back.  At this point I was moaning and moving with distress during my meditation because it was so real but the MIBs were not yet finished with me.

Once more I was transported somewhere else, back above the clouds.  A third plane was flying but I did not notice any markings.  Again, it was a passenger Boeing plane.  I appeared to be hovering outside of it.  There were no passengers in the plane.  However, I could see one man sitting at a desk reading papers.  He was a stocky businessman with dark hair.  I was then aware of a whole series of black parachutes underneath the plane as though they had just left it.  Then a VIP in the world, I don't want to mention, left the plane with a parachute.

I now had a parachute on my back and Nathan had reappeared.  He linked arms with me and the rest of the MIBs joined us to form a circle.  The plane moved away and then blew up in front of us!  We descended to the earth and again everything felt so real.  I could see the patchwork fields of the English countryside beneath us as we descended.

I have to sign off but join me tomorrow when I reveal more scary meditations and talk about the spirits I saw in my local bank whilst out the other day.  I have so much more to tell you but in the meantime enjoy my book.

And remember, don't have nightmares! :)


P.S.  I wrote this account last night while promoting my book.  What I did not include was that yesterday when I had another strange meditation, I was told there would be a plane crash today.  I was shocked to see that an Algerian military aircraft crashed today although the markings I saw on the plane in my second meditation were not the same.  When I looked at the photograph of the disaster, the first thing that stood out to me was the large black tail of the aircraft - just like the one I saw on the plane descending towards the water in my meditation.  Was this some kind of message from my MIBs or a co-incidence?  I am not sure what to make of it but I am a little nervous.  Let me know what you think?

My heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

Join me tomorrow.

Take care.


  1. Thank you for sharing . I am intrigued ..PLEASE CONTINUE 💜👽💜

  2. You are awakening, there is no doubt about that, the mibs are helping you to be aware of things, 1 we are all connected, made of the same energy from source, 2 it is possible that as you see more of this you can do something about the crashes, the mibs may be aware of the power inside you to stop the crashes, our thoughts are very powerful and your thoughts are very powerful, it is possible that you can stop the crashes just by thinking to stop the crashes, hope this helps you, grace and peace to you....
