Friday 13 April 2018

The Woman Who Fell To Earth, Aliens & Galactic Families, Night Time Visits From Spirits & Men In White Robes


Apologies for not having posted yesterday but I have been ill with tonsillitis.  Nice!  Anyway, I am here now and I have lots to tell you as always.

However, first I want to talk about a comment I received from a lady on a FB advert for my book.  She told me that she often sees a man in black at the bottom of her bed when she is just waking up.  Her heart pounds when she sees him and she is afraid.  But when she asks him to leave he always does.

This reminded me of one of my first experiences seeing ghosts when I was still living at home with my parents in Newcastle.  They'd left early morning, around 5.00am to retrieve my brother from University in Hull for the Christmas holidays and I was alone.  It was too early for me to rise so I lay in bed with the two family dogs curled up on either side of my feet.  I remembering dozing having been awake when they left and being a little concerned at being left alone.

My eyes were closed but I know I was awake.  The bedroom door was wide open and the landing light was on.  I remember seeing the landing in my mind and the stairs leading up to it.  Although I could not see the person, I knew a man was walking up them.  He crossed the landing and entered my bedroom.  My heart started to thud like an express train and I remember screaming at myself in my mind that I wasn't imagining it there really was someone standing in my room.

I couldn't tell where he was in the room but all of a sudden I knew he was moving again.  I still couldn't see him but I could sense and feel his presence.  He came to stand next to the bed and l felt a part of him press against my arm.  That was it.  I wasn't going to take anymore.  I could really feel him pressing against me.  I sat straight up in bed with a cry, eyes wide open and the whole thing stopped.  I got up putting every light on but no one was in the room.

I will never forget it.  You can read about it in my book, The Man in Black along with how the MIBs helped me evade being caught up in the Barcelona Terrorist Attacks.  I now know it was Nathan even though at the time I presumed it might be the spirit of my dead Uncle.  I wouldn't see Nathan for real until 2011, many years later

I just have to interject here and tell you what I am having to put up with while writing this post.  I am once more, arguing with Nathan and the rest of my MIBs.  Sometimes I just don't like the way I am led by my guides.  There appears to be a lot of pain and hardship involved and I am tired.  So I get angry and throw my toys out of the pram, shunning them.  They hate it. Lol.  Nathan is pacing the floor around me and the table I am working on.  I can also feel him leaning over me, breathing down my neck as he tries to attract my attention.  He is not going to win until my feelings are understood.

Rowing with your Guides appears to be a common thing while going through the pain of a spiritual awakening.  Even Victor Oddo who I regularly watch on YouTube and a close friend have the same experience.  None of us like being told what to do.

That does not stop my MIBs.  I went out for something to eat earlier and to start formulating my ideas for this post.  I duly ignored them but I could still hear them advising me what would be good for me to eat on the menu and when to finish to stop my stomach hurting and my IBS from flaring up!  They never stop.

When I came in I could see some of their faces on my hall wall.  That never ceases to amaze me.  Their features were so detailed and some looked as though they had been drawn on there.  I am seeing faces in so much more detail than I used to.  I see them everywhere, in art, moving across TV screens, on YouTube and so much more.

When I ignored the MIBs and got changed,  a couple of them wandered around in my line of vision.  When I shout and swear at them they simply show me them putting on head phones or inserting ear plugs until my rant is over.  They think they are clever but my ranting and mood can last for days! Hah. Lol.  Cheeky gits.

Anyway, they keep telling me they are there to help me and to move me on in life.  To where?  I am still waiting.  Today they told me that they were here exclusively for me and they are my soul and galactic family.  They came here with me when I was born and are all connected to me by a cord.  We are a team and they cannot leave me.  They look after my daughter as well because she is part of me.  They show me love hearts to show their unconditional love, especially my Twin Flame, Nathan.

In light of this, I want to advise the lady and anyone else having a scary experience.  It was for me at first.  All of a sudden I could see Men In Black suits walking around my bedroom at night professing to be guarding me and I was scared.  But I got used to them and now I would be afraid if they weren't there.  I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I don't believe the entity the lady is seeing is a dark one purely because he leaves when she asks.  If you are seeing a spirit and a man in black you are not sure of, ask them what they want.  I think this MIB is guarding.  They seem to come closer at night, a time when we are most vulnerable.  But if you are afraid call on Archangel Michael for protection and ask the spirit to leave with a firm voice.

Again, years before I saw Nathan and the MIBs, I was at a friend's house.  After a night on the town we came in around 3.00am in the morning.  I remember trying to sleep and had just managed to doze off for a while before opening my eyes to see a thin middle aged woman spirit in a blue blouse and white pleated skirt standing at the bottom of the bed looking over at me.  Like the MIBs, she appeared to be concerned I was feeling safe and secure while I slept as though it is an important job she had to attend to.

Before I go, I want to tell you snippets about a second strange meditation I experienced the other day. A lot of them appear to be about falling.  I have mentioned that when I meditate with music I find myself up in the stars.  In this meditation I was up in space and then I started to fall back to earth at a terrific speed.  Sometimes I hit the ground but I am not hurt and other times I hover an inch off it.  As I came to hover over the earth I heard a loud voice tell me that I was, "The Woman Who Fell To Earth."

I immediately thought of the movie starring David Bowie, 'The Man Who Fell To Earth' and I presume that is what the voice was referring to.  I haven't seen this film but obviously it is about an alien who arrives on earth and keeps his true identity hidden?  I will have to watch it.

I suddenly realised the voice belonged to the older man in the white robe I often see when I am given healing and when I heal others with Angelic Reiki.  He was lying over me as though inside me and clearly had been controlling the images and words I received in my meditation.

I wish I knew what this was all about!

Until next time . . .

Don't have nightmares and enjoy your weekend!


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