Sunday, 8 July 2018

Twin Flame Reunions in Spirit, Weekly Round Up of the Spooky & Weird & Meeting My Alien Soul Guide


I hope you are enjoying the hot weather.  I have created a few new videos on my YouTube Channel,  Through The Eyes of a Starseed.  The first is Finding Your Twin Flame in Spirit.  This one is about the difficulty of a Twin Flame relationship when one partner is in spirit.  Is it possible to still reunite?  Is the relationship just as intense despite the divide of realities and dimensions?

The second is a weekly round up vlog of all that has happened to me together with a video about how and when I was introduced to My Alien Soul Guide.  I also have a video of a poltergeist's face I caught on camera.

Please come over to the channel and subscribe.  I update two to three times a week.

I look forward to seeing you there!


Sunday, 1 July 2018

Alien Visitation, Alien Soul Guides, Poltergeists, Creepy Clown Faces & More


I hope everyone is enjoying the hot summer sun here in the UK!  I have started doing weekly round ups on my YouTube Channel of all the alien, spooky & paranormal events and happenings that have occurred around me.  I have just uploaded another weekly round up and I have decided to put a brief account of it on here for those who would prefer to read rather than watch.

The first event I want to talk about is another alien soul guide visitation.  In one of my videos, Meeting My Alien Soul Guide, I talked about being introduced to Leela a week ago.  I talk of her as female as that is how she presented herself to me but she is actually androgynous.  She is tall with thin limbs, long fingers with some kind of suckers on the pads of her fingers.  She has a pale face with cat like eyes and her head is devoid of any hair.  Her brain is partly visible from the back and is protected by a glass covering. Leela announced herself as my alien soul guide as she lay over me (something my guides often do when trying to give me information or heal me).  I was fascinated to see someone other than in human form in spirit.  If you want to know more about Leela please check out my video on YouTube.

However, the alien guides who showed themselves to me this week were very different.  Again, I believed they were female but once more I was told they are actually androgynous.  They were very pretty with smooth green skin on their long thin backs.  These beings have long tails also covered in soft shiny green skin.  The skin from the neck down their long thin bodies is white.  They have claws on the tops of their fingers.  Their heads are round and the face is covered around the top with black spots as is the crown of their head.  I do not know the name of their race  or Leela's.  If you have any ideas, please let me know and why they would be around me.

The second happening prompted another video on YouTube entitled, Face of a Poltergeist.  While alone in my flat with no TV on or any other noise, I sat doing some work before going out to see a friend.  I heard some tapping noises in the kitchen.  I often hear noises in the flat.  Remember, it is built on top of the site of a hospice in a large old mansion which was demolished around 2006 when a new one was built in another location. But before I deem them paranormal, I go through my checklist.  Is it the fridge, some other appliance, some one in the flat upstairs? Etc.  They offered no explanation so believing it to be a spirit being mischievous I ignored it.  Then something fell over in the kitchen.  I got up to investigate and found the mop bucket that had been safely secured in its position for hours on the floor.  This has happened before with a bin bag.

When I looked up after picking up the bucket, I could see a huge spirit face imprinted on the wall.  I didn't talk about what I initially saw in the video.  At first, I could see the face of a pleasant looking man but then it changed to an evil one of a man with a very cruel mouth that grinned.  He clearly meant menace.  It then changed back and then appeared again.  I started towards the wall ready to shoo the negative spirit out but my principal MIB guide and Twin Flame, Nathan physically stopped me propelling me backwards to guard me.  I could also see another two MIBs near the wall stopping the spirit from moving.  As I looked more closely I realised I had been seeing a few faces.  Often spirit will will appear to jostle each other for prominence when trying to get a living person's attention and instead of one face you will suddenly realise you are seeing more than one.

I posted the video but did not go in to too much detail because I wanted everyone to make up their own minds as to what they could see.  However, one of my spiritual medium friend's watched it and informed me she could see a skull and crossbones, an evil face as well as a pleasant man's who was also wearing a cap.  But what disturbed me most was that she could see a clown's face.  I don't like clowns and recently I have been watching YouTube videos about creepy clowns.   It made me angry that some mischievous spirit was using my fear against me.  I went out to my friend's and I have to say I felt anxious returning to the flat as I knew I was going to be alone that night.  Thankfully, I didn't see anymore creepy spirit faces!  Check Face of a Poltergeist out and let me know what you see! And no it isn't a fake for the unopened minded person who commented on YouTube.  I wouldn't even know how to fake something like that!  That's what you get when you link anything paranormal on reddit.  I should learn!

Remember my lift torment?  Well, the spirit who plays with it returned last night to torture me with the clunking noise.  Take a look at my previous posts about my haunted lift.  When I came home from a party last night and sat down at my dining table to read a magazine and have a cold drink before bed, the lights above me started to flicker, then I heard the clunking noise.  It gave me chills.  The spirit still wants me to leave.

A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with the man who oversees maintenance in the block of flats.  I talked to him about the lift someone else had complained about.  He told me an engineer was coming out to deal with it.  They have dealt with it many times before but the noise always comes back and the problems start again out of the blue.  The lady and her son upstairs got stuck in it on Christmas Day and we had to call he fire brigade out! I told him about my flashing lights in flat trying to work out if I might have got it wrong and it was something to do with the electrics on the lift and not a spirit but he told me it should not affect the lights at all.  The lift worked on its own circuit breaker and he couldn't understand what was happening.  I informed him the noise had been bad the night before and again he was surprised.  The lift had been without power for days and I shouldn't have heard anything!  All he could offer was that it might be to do with the levelling system but no way should have it been trying to move and clunk.

I am seeing spirit more and more strongly now.  The MIBs and other spirits flash up at me as though in the flesh for seconds while I am on the street, at home, in a shop, in fact wherever I go.  One appeared just yesterday in the morning standing in the car park as myself and my daughter walked up to me stopping me dead in my tracks.  I am always quickly trying to ascertain whether or not they are indeed an MIB or a spirit that has breached their security cordon around me. Lol.  I even see a spirit who likes to read in the local bookshop who does his best to ignore me and moves from his seat if I go near him or try to get his attention.  He was around this week.  I always find it strange because most spirits are always attempting to catch my attention.

Do keep seeing certain numbers?  I and my daughter keep seeing the number 7 and 17.  Sometimes they are together and are everywhere.  On a trip to Alton Towers this week my daughter found a random playing card on the ground.  When she picked it up she discovered it was the 7 of hearts!  An hour or so later she walked in to her hotel to see my brother with his wife and two children who we have not spoken to for nearly a year right in front of her!  They spoke and later in the evening she saw them again!  Did the 7 of hearts signal a reunion?  I don't know but it is strange.  Apparently, the number and 17 indicate you are on the right path in life.

Finally, I was reminded of something I often see but have taken for granted.  When I look up at an plane in the sky I always see a perfect circle of energy around it.  I see the same thing around insects, spiders and trees.  They are not auras.  I don't see them or the gorgeous colours people find in them.  I think of it as life force but if you have any other theories I would love to read them.

If you haven't already, please check out my YouTube Channel, like and subscribe.  The weekly round up will be posted every Sunday while other more in-depth videos will be posted throughout the week.

Also, if you haven't read my book about my experiences with my Men In Black Spirit/Alien Guides, please check it out on and

 Remember, don't have nightmares!

Until next time . . .


Thursday, 28 June 2018

The Poltergeist's Face


This is just a quick post.  My flat is built on the site of an old hospice. I have many paranormal experiences living there. Today I heard tapping noises in my kitchen and a mop bucket fell over on to the floor while I was alone. When I went in to investigate, the face of the poltergeist could clearly be seen on the wall!

Check out the video and let me know if you can see it!

Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

Remember, don't have nightmares! :)


Monday, 25 June 2018

Alien Visitations, UFOs, Spooky Days, Astral Travel & More


Just a quick note that yesterday I made a video for my YouTube channel rounding up all of the highlights of my spooky week!

Highlights include my latest meditation involving more alien visitations, inter dimensional travel, UFOs and more.  Also, my engagement with an astral traveller and thought form as well as the Puritan girl ghosts who love to push me over in the toilets of one of my favourite restaurants in the town I live!

If you love videos of Orbs, I have a long playlist of them.

Please check out the channel and subscribe!


Thursday, 21 June 2018

Meeting My Alien Soul Guide & Alien Healing


Yep it is that time again!  I have had another strange meditation experience.  There has been the usual astral travel and inter dimensional travelling but also something extra!  I have been introduced to my alien Spirit guide Leela and had it confirmed I am definitely a Starseed.

The experience was far too much to write down as it contained, amongst other things, psychic healing, alien healing & surgery, alien abduction plus references to Einstein and being given a quadratic equation for something I still don't understand.! So if you want to know the full story please hop over to my YouTube Channel to watch the video and please consider subscribing for more updates!



Saturday, 16 June 2018

Spirit Orb Playlist Videos & Romantic Relationships with Ghosts


This is just a quick note to let you know I have loaded three new videos to my YouTube Channel.  The first is looking at the possibility of having a Romantic Relationship with a Ghost/Spirit.  I would love to know your thoughts on this.  Is it possible?  Would you even want to?

The second is one of two yellow spirit orbs I caught with a mixture of white ones while filming a elaborate lightening display outside my window.  The third is of more spirit orbs caught in my home which has been built over the site of an old hospice.

If you really like orb videos you can check out my playlist on YouTube.

 Let me know what you think and please subscribe to my channel.  I will be talking about more of my  strange alien meditation experiences I have been having along with details of more of my astral travels in the coming week.

Remember, don't have nightmares!


Monday, 11 June 2018

Spirit Guides


Just a quick post to tell you about the new video I have loaded to my YouTube Channel.  Please check out Arguing with your Spirt Guides and subscribe to the channel.

Do you argue with your Spirt Guides?  If so, what about?


Saturday, 9 June 2018

Spirit Orbs Caught on Video, Poltergeist Activity & Psychic Cats


Another quick post to showcase my latest video on my YouTube Channel.  This time I caught a lot of white spirit orbs together with a purple one floating around my bedroom.  Remember, my flat has been built on ground that used to hold an old Hospice and a lot of poor souls would have died there.  Also not far away, the fields housed a lot of World War One soldiers, hospitals and under the local M&S and a restaurant in the town, there is a cemetery containing hundreds of bodies buried beneath!

If you have read my blog from the start you will know that in my previous house I had exactly the same experience in my bedroom.  If you think it is only dust, please read my post discussing that.  Although I am always open to debate about them, these orbs are anything but dust! :)

Just after this video was taken there was some poltergeist activity in the flat, something that is on the increase.  A rubbish bag was pushed over on to the floor in the kitchen spilling its contents every where.  It was a bloody pain to pick it all up.

Last night, the free standing mirror in my room also moved of its own accord.  The haunted lift I keep mentioning in my posts has been driving me nuts making a strange eerie noise at 2am in the morning and throughout the day off an on despite having an engine back to check it out and perform maintenance work several times.  The lights in both bathrooms and the kitchen have been flashing constantly.  Several items including rings have gone missing and the other day I returned home to be asked by my daughter if I had moved the sky box.  It had been pushed right to the edge of the stand underneath the TV.  For the second time, my bracelet has gone missing.

It appears I am not the only flat dweller who believes something strange is going on.  My friend has shown me video of her cat watching and following something moving in the corner of the room with her eyes.  She also paws at it!  Spooky.

Anyway, check out the video below and let me know if you see or pick anything up.  Perhaps you might see one of the MIBs who stand around the bed.

If you want to see more similar videos, please nip over to YouTube and subscribe to my Channel!

Remember, don't have nightmares!


Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Showering with Men in Black & Second YouTube Video


Another quick post to ask you to check out my second YouTube video about my daily spooky experiences with my Spirit/Alien Guardians, the Men in Black.  I will be doing one every day.

Today is all about how the MIBs accompany me wherever I go including the shower, shopping and more.  No one is ever alone.  Who is in your Spiritual entourage? :)


Tuesday, 5 June 2018

YouTube Vlog

I have posted a video on YouTube on which I discuss my daily paranormal experiences. I will be doing a vlog most days in the future. You can check it out on my channel.

Let me know what you think and if you enjoy it, please subscribe for more videos.


Friday, 1 June 2018

Spirit & Destiny Magazine Interview!


Apologies for not having posted for a long time but I have had to deal with illness, some personal problems and setting up my second business, Lust That Ltd, a high end goods and services review site which I am very excited about!  I hope to be back posting soon. In the meantime, please check out my interview in the latest issue of Spirit & Destiny available in shops and online entitled, 'I have Spirit Bodyguards'.

In this interview I talk about my MIBs, my Twin Flame Nathan and the protection they place around myself and my daughter especially when they made sure we were not caught up in the terrorist attacks in Barcelona.

If you want to find out more about my adventures with the MIBs you can download my latest book, The Man in Black from Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

Check out the cover and blurb below.

Remember, don't have nightmares!

Sara :)

Loneliness is a myth. Everyone, regardless of gender, race or religion on this planet has someone who accompanies them through this journey called life. Even if you can’t yet see them, they are standing patiently by your side, loving, advising and protecting you. All you have to do is open your heart and listen to them. Ever wondered who they are?

I met my spirit guide and twin flame when I wrote a fictional story about a handsome young Victorian hero. I never expected him to leap off the page and become a reality in my life, laying claim to me as his wife from many lifetimes across the world and in other dimensions.

This is the diary of a hapless, self-loathing, sceptical author forced to confront her painful inner truth and demons with the help of a man dressed in a black suit as her spirit guardian and the army he brought with him who crossed space, time and dimensions to love, protect and appreciate who she truly was to the world.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Alien Dimensions, Astral Projection, Secret Alien Missions, Pyramids with Eyes & 777


Sorry it has been a while but I have been in the process of setting up a second business.  I will reveal all soon!  In the meantime, let's get to it.

Well, first off before I go in to any more ghostly sightings, I have to tell you about the spirit I found sleeping in my bed just before!  Thankfully, it was my principal MIB and Twin Flame, Nathan, nevertheless it was still disturbing and amusing all at the same time to see him there.  I have felt a second person in the bed at night for some time now.  So that answers that feeling.

Anyway, I want to ask for your comments regarding the reason why I keep seeing one large disembodied human eye floating around my room at night.  I also see lots of pyramids and the eye within the middle of the pyramid in my visions.  Apart from references to the illuminati whom Nathan keeps calling the Dark Army, they have the eye at the top of the triangle and a very different way of showing it, I would love to know what this all really means for me.

I have had lots more visions and travelled through many strange tunnels in space and what I presume are other alien dimensions.  Many of them are made of strips of blue light or multi-coloured lights leading to many other tunnels.  I have also seen some composed of white circles in a blue sky and others which appear as a long thin caverns running through a planet.

In one of the recent visions . . . Should I call them that now?  I am more than sure I am astrally projecting parts of my soul and visiting other dimensions.  Once more I found myself in space travelling through one of those tunnels I mentioned earlier.  Before I started this journey I was feeling unhappy, a little depressed and if I am honest angry.  The escape was comforting but I did something a little weird.

In a previous post I mentioned about the blue planet which I visited which I was informed is in the 7th density.  I do not know its name.  I moved down towards it at a rate of knots and submerged myself in the sea at the bottom and lay down with my arms folded across my chest and my hands on my shoulders.  I closed my eyes and lay still appearing as though I were dead.  When Nathan appeared to arouse me, I surrounded myself with an underground cave which I secured and kept him out of.

I was then back floating in space above the planet and I lay backwards, closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift in orbit as though I were dead.  On my travels once again I sent another version of myself to a large pyramid I have mentioned in my other posts.  Once inside and up the large staircase I was taken by my MIBs to a sarcophagus where I stepped inside and lay down.  The top was lifted on and the platform the sarcophagus was placed on sank downwards in to a pyramid of white light underneath the floor and secured.

I knew I had left another part of my soul sitting staring at my flat out on the grassy bank behind.  She has being doing this for some time.  I have seen Nathan talking to her.  She is unhappy and does not wish to enter the flat.  I am also often shown another version of myself in dimension where I am in hospital and my MIBs are attempting to restart my heart and revive me because I am dying.  It is all a bit scary.  One version of myself returned back to my body but the others remained in their makeshift coffins.

Days later, I was shopping in W.H. Smiths of all places and paying at the counter when inside my mind I could vividly see the version of me I had left in the water outside of the cave lying down.  She started to sit up and I snapped at her to lie back down saying the time wasn't right to rise.  What the hell was all that weirdness about?  Makes me wonder what other weirdness is going on in everyone else's mind when they are walking around the shops on a weekday.

Soon after I lay on my bed for another travelling session where I was taken back to all of these parts of my soul I had left entombed.  They were woken up and my MIBs pulled them back.  As I lay back on my bed after sinking in to my body from a great height they fell back in to me one by one.  It was so strong, I felt everyone of them in a heavy jolt and put my hands up to shield myself from their fall.  The last was very heavy and the moment she hit my body I felt my anger return.  That was depressing and my body was weighed down with her.

My MIBs immediately grounded me and I felt those roots they ask you to envision in meditation groups growing fast out of my feet and drop in to the earth.  Guess, I won't be allowed to leave parts of myself around the Universe again!  Why did I in the first place?

My next journey took me to the plane I see flying high above the clouds in the sky again and the man sitting behind the desk inside.  Once more, I walked towards him in the plane and sat down on the other side of the desk.  He wrote something down and then sealed it in a letter before giving it to me.  I knew he was giving me orders for some kind of mission.  What the hell am I supposed to be?  James Bond? Lol.

As usual I put on a parachute and jump out of the plane.  Often the plane will blow up after that.  And this time, as I lay on my bed, I felt one of my MIBs place the envelope in my hand.  I could really feel it.  They later showed them all to me.  I have loads and they all link back to a dream I had of being given one while trying to escape attack a few years ago.  I think that was my first one.

I then went to stand on some rocks somewhere overlooking a bay, I believe on my home planet in the 7th Density and stared out to sea and the large dark cliff to the side.  The weather was dark and murky but the mist began to clear.  Quickly after, I could see a man with blonde hair in a helicopter.  He looked as though he was some kind of adventurer.  I am not sure what relevance he he had but I saw myself down below in the bright sunshine walking through a whole load of rock pools with green water.  I felt happy and as I sat down on one of the rocks to rest I knew this was my place, somewhere I liked to come on my own for peace.

When I came home back to my body after being shown so many pyramids again, I noticed my MIBs grounded me more strongly with roots from my body as well as my feet!  Maybe they thought I would run off there and never come back!  It is tempting.

I have so much to tell you but especially about my latest travel episode, the ghosts about town I have seen, and the one in the lift who is driving me crazy by operating the lift during the night again, the Puritan girls in the restaurant bathroom trying to push me over again and more but there is not enough time.  However, I will be doing another couple of posts in the next few days so please come back.

Before I go, I keep seeing the number 7.  I also see 717, 17, 777 and 7717.  I know they are Angel numbers but I also wonder if they are numeric code for something else and maybe tie in with seeing the pyramids and the one eye?  Let me know your thoughts and own experiences.  Do these numbers relate to this blue planet I keep seeing in the 7th Density?

Enjoy your Sunday evening and remember, don't have nightmares!


Thursday, 3 May 2018

Aliens, Alien Dimensions, States of Existence, Space & Astral Travel, 7th Density & Quantum Leap


I want to launch straightaway in to the second part of the vision I experienced because I have so much else I want to share with you after that.

After I  sped off in to space trying to escape Nathan attempting to whether me back to the earth plain, I am vaguely aware of travelling through another tunnel made up of strips of light in space.  I was once more in my black dress and dragging my injured or as a friend has suggested to me, my old self in the space suit.  It was hard work trying to rise up to the space roof with the weight I was carrying to birth myself in to the next dimension.  But this time, I was to receive some help.  A woman appearing as an Angel who I have seen a few times recently gave me some help, propelling my body and the spacesuit upwards.

Once through the invisible roof, I was surrounded by waves of colour.  The ones that still stand out to me now, are yellow and purple.  I have been there before in a vision and I wanted to go further.  But on this occasion, the roof was more of a distance to reach and was going to be a challenge.  Still, I was ready and willing to attempt it.

I rose upwards with difficulty, pulling the suit with me.  The Angel rose to help and some of my MIBs assisted me.  I made it.

Once more, I discovered I was in another dimension hovering over a large pale blue planet.  I was suddenly back in the spacesuit merged with my old self.  Nathan appeared again holding the lifeline.

I heard him say, "You are way too high up here.  You have to come back now."

At this point, I realised I had to do as I was told and not to object.  The same feeling I had in the healing session I recorded in an earlier post when I couldn't come back from a deep healing meditation, washed over me again.  If I didn't listen to him, I knew I would be stuck, orbiting the planet in this density, whatever it was, forever.  A frightening, claustrophobic thought!

Nathan informed me that I was located in the 7th Density.  He attached the lifeline to my spacesuit once more and instantly I felt my body jolt on the bed coupling with the strange sensation of falling quickly.  At that moment, I didn't want to go back despite the idea of being stuck.  I hated having to come back and I actually cried as I fell back to earth.  I have also experienced this feeling and sensation before in a very peaceful group meditation.

My body rose and fell on the bed.  I was then told three versions of my form needed to return to my body.  I saw each one enter the room through a door that served as a portal and lie back down inside me.  The third was heavy and dense which helped to ground me back to this 3rd density.  Roots grew from my feet to ground me in to the earth as I have been told on many group mediations, healings etc to do, only this time it wasn't me who was making them grow but my MIBs.  I was back to earth with a thud and grounded back in reality however disappointing it all was!

A couple of nights ago after the vision, I woke in the middle of the night.  After going to the bathroom, I could feel one of my MIBs hands on my shoulders guiding me back to bed.  This happens a lot.  I shrugged him off in my sleepy state.  I could make my own bloody way back to bed without his help. Lol.  But as I lay back down to sleep, I physically saw Nathan in the flesh rather than just a black and white projection!  He looked so young, about twenty-five years old or maybe younger and so handsome standing by my bed guarding me with the others. :)

I fell back asleep only to wake again a couple of hours later to physically see a male spirit in my room who should not have been there.  He was wearing a glaring yellow shirt and odd checked trousers.  Yuk.  If that wasn't enough to scare me! Lol.  He grinned and made a face as if to frighten me.  I told him to, how do I say this in polite terms? To F off, turned over and went back to sleep. Lol.

The next day, I kept thinking about how I saw Nathan.  When I did, I felt as though it wasn't anything paranormal I was seeing but something, I suppose you could call it, more scientific.  I am seeing people from an other dimension, to be precise, aliens from another dimension.  I don't believe in ghosts anymore.  I think that when you die you are merely changing in to a different state to accommodate another plain or in simple terms, your home, the place you originally came from.  Some of you will scoff but I have always thought science and the paranormal are linked and are one and the same.  Perhaps we are all aliens?  There are no ghosts, just people in a different form and state of existence from another dimension stepping inside our own.  Maybe they are hologram from another dimension.  Think Quantum Leap.

To finish, one of my spiritually minded friends has just informed me today that a lot of what I have been experiencing has been validated in book 2 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. I am going to check out the books and do some research.  I will let you know what I find out and how all of my experiences link with the alien beings he talks about that only a handful of people can see among us on the earth!

Enjoy your evening and remember, don't have nightmares!


Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Alien Dimensions, Channelling, Astronauts, Space, Astral Projection & Black Holes


My book, The Man in Black is the No. 1 new release on in New Age Channelling and is being promoted directly by  It is also in the top 100 for UFOs as well as New Age Channelling.  Woohoo!

On that note, let's start with the male spirit I found lying on my bed yesterday evening and the one who was sitting in my favourite spot on my sofa while I wrote the first half of this post!  I had put some stuff on top of the bed down one side while I tidied the room up.  However, I ran out of time this morning and had to go out.  When I came back, I nipped in the shower again.  I came out out my bathroom straight in to my bedroom and I could have sworn I saw someone lying on the bed on top of the bedding, and yep, a couple of teddy bears and bed cushions.  Blushes.  Spirit will often impress their spirit form over a wall, TV, furniture, tree, bush and any old house or garden objects and appliances so you can see them.

On closer inspection, I realised I wasn't using my imagination or just seeing crap on the bed in some kind of weird form, I was seeing a spirit lying their quite comfortable.  He was lying with his arms folded and was obviously pretending to be one of my MIBs but had made this mistake of only wearing a black shirt with short sleeves.  Clearly not fashion conscious enough for my MIB's standards. Lol.  I reckon the MIBs were testing me to see if I could spot him.  They often do this.  He had a strange hat on as though he had women's tights on top of his head. Lol.  Maybe he was a robber! Lol. Anyway I and the others chased him out.  BTW, the lift spirit is back and I am being tortured on a daily and nightly basis.  More on that in my next post.

To get back to the spirit  sitting on my sofa in my favourite spot.  It was my principal MIB and Twin Flame, Nathan.  I had the Sy Fy channel on as usual and it was Buffy time.  I guess he likes watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer as much as I do!  You think he would have had enough of it.  Sy Fy show the whole series and when it is ended they just go back to the start and play it again over and over and yes I watch it every time just like Star Trek.  Having a favourite programme or music in the background helps me focus on my writing! :)

Right, let's get to the latest vision I have been shown.  As usual it is a strange one!  Again I was lying on my bed after needing to take a rest when my balance disorder symptoms acted up and I felt dizzy.  My headphones were in and I was listening to Basement Jaxx.  As I did I watched the activity in the dark around my bed.  Nathan and the rest of the MIBs were walking around guarding as usual but there was also a strange yellow ball of light present that moved between the bedroom and the bathroom.  I watched it with interest and noticed once again that there were a lot of white orbs flying around.  I see them a lot.  I don't need a camera to see them but when I film them I do see different coloured ones as well.  There are a heck of a lot of them flying around.  They did in my last house and now in the flat.  I guess they came with me.  I would post video of them on here but after trolls ridiculed them on Reddit and YouTube when I captured a large purple orb and insisted they were dust of all stupid things, I am reluctant.  I will say it again, I am skeptical about everything I see and what I am shown.  I do know what dust is and looks like and this purple orb certainly wasn't that.  I did one of my first posts on this issue.

Anyway, I was asked by one of the MIBs to change my music and I was directed to another fave by a small blue light, The Chemical Brother's song, Go.  I love it.  The MIBs will use music to communicate with me and as I listened I realised the words were standing out at me and were being used to convey a message.  Soon after, I found myself hovering above the earth again in my black dress.  I was vaguely aware of Nathan being near but I wanted to be travelling again.  I turned and took off like a rocket.  As I moved past the stars I felt as though I were trying to merge in to a new form of pure light so I could travel faster but I couldn't quite reach it.

I reached my tunnel made of strips of blue light and shot through it leaving Nathan behind!  I suddenly came out of the tunnel in to an area of space and started to climb upwards as though attempting to reach some kind of roof.  I went through this strange roof made of space and stars in to another plain of space populated with planets and stars.  But I wasn't finished there.  I moved upwards once more and found myself on a planet.  It was very like ours yet different.  I was watching people walk down a road to some tall buildings that resembled old skyscrapers yet they were odd and all joined together.  Then my scenery changed once more and I was clearly flying just behind and above a old type of car along a road.  I am not sure why I was seeing this.  It doesn't appear to fit with the rest of the vision but who am I to say.  I am just reporting what I have been shown.  As I did so, I started to see scenes from a Manga or cartoons.  Note, I have seen this a lot in the past and I believe I might have dreamt some scenes as well.  I have watched in wonder as I can't draw, paint or sketch to save my life!  I would love to do all of these things but I can't.  Did my mind create these images or was Nathan doing that?  Was he an artist in a past life?  Who knows but it was fab to see.

All of that ended quickly and I was off ascending to another roof made of stars and space.  Here I saw a black hole and more planets.  I did this a couple of times then slipped through a different kind of roof encountering a place that felt a little eerie.  It appeared as though it had been generated by a computer.  It was just a dark blue room but in the centre was a platform with about six strange looking, what I can only describe as flexible waving brown coloured branches attached to some kind of weird trunk base.  I know weird!  I didn't like it much there.

It was at this point that my eyes flicked opened.  Remember, I am not technically meditating, just lying on a bed with my eyes closed being shown stuff and somehow a part of me is travelling somewhere, perhaps through other dimensions.  The reason for opening my eyes was made apparent. I could see images being projected in front of my eyes on the air as though on some sort of screen.  I often wonder if this is what the orbs  around me contain.  I know other Mediums who see this as well.  The image was of astronauts jumping around and generally appearing weightless on a moon and in space.  My eyes closed again and I was back in the space climbing upwards but this time there was someone with me.  I was pulling someone upwards with me and they were in a spacesuit.  I was struggling to lift the person who I came to realise was another part of me inside the suit that appeared almost lifeless, and could barely move.  It was as though they were injured yet still I climbed taking her with me.  I was going back through the same dimensions and I reached the blue room with the branches and made sure we didn't stay long.

Once on the next plain of space, I merged with myself in the space suit and sprung to life.  There was a long white tube attached to my suit.  I guess this tube was keeping me attached to the earth.  I became annoyed and pulled it out.  The minute I did, I felt my body jerk and rise upwards on the bed before settling back down in to a relaxed position.  I could really feel myself moving away, travelling faster and it was euphoric.  Only drawback, Nathan was following me with the end of the tube he clearly wanted to attach back to me.  I wasn't having any of it.  Shaking my head at him and feeling he was like gun rack woman in Wayne's World wanting to stop my fun, I turned and sped off in to the stars for more adventures.

There is too much to include in this post so join me tomorrow and I will finish recounting the rest of this vision.  In the meantime, leave me a comment and let me know what you think of all this!!  Let me know about your experiences.  What are you shown?

Have a great day!  And remember, don't have nightmares.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Alien Identity, Pleiadian Starseeds, Alien Queens, Pyramids, Other Dimensions, Mob Ghosts & Spooks Who Stick Their Tongues Out At You!

Available at Star Temple Publishing Ltd


What a week so far!  More strange out of space meditations, ghosts in shops who try to avoid me because they don't want to chat and puritan girl ghosts who stick their tongues out at me! Lol.

Anyway, let's start with the meditation.  I say meditation but I think a vision might be a more appropriate word to use as I don't go in to a full meditative state and for some reason I need loud music to help it emerge.  I simply lie on my bed with my head phones in, close my eyes and let the messages come.

It was quite funny actually receiving one a couple of days ago because if you read my last post, I wasn't speaking to my principal MIB guide and Twin Flame Nathan because of him presenting a different image to the ones he used with me to a Medium.  Long story, check out my previous post for details.  Still, he kept talking to me, giving me guidance in a smooth even voice and more strangely I was taking it.  If I get angry at him he will usually stand in front of me and I will physically see him put ear plugs in or put headphones on until I stop and calm down.  They all do it! . Lol.

So I was back in a vision, hovering over the earth in space.  This time Nathan was there with me in his usual stance, black suit with his arms folded watching over me in my own black dress.  I think they show me in a black dress to indicate I am one of them!  Then I was off hurtling through space amid the stars.

My journey took me past a nebula made up of blue and white stars before a tunnel created with strips of blue light formed in front of me.  I travelled through it at speed as though I had rockets strapped to my feet.  I am convinced that when I go through these tunnels I am journeying to another dimension.

Before I got to my destination, I found myself moving to sit down on a throne in the middle of the tunnel.  Weird, I know!  One of the MIBs put a gold crown on top of my head and I was given a sceptre and orb to hold.  This isn't something new.  In the group meditations I used to do as well as more recent ones, I am often asked to sit in a throne or chair and given these objects.  Why?  Who knows!

After that, I could see an orange and white glow.  Then I appeared to be in a strange place I had never visited before.  I was flying above a landscape bathed in this orange glow.  I couldn't see the landscape below me very clearly but it appeared as though I were looking down on to the flat roofs of lots of buildings.  It appeared not to be the focus of this vision.  Instead a very large pyramid positioned in the centre was to distract my attention.

I was taken inside.  It was very grand an opulent with aa long carpet in the middle of golden coloured stairs leading upwards with two guards at the side of the steps.  It would have taken ages to mount the steps but it didn't feel like that and I was suddenly at the top and once more being directed to sit on another throne.  This was a theme that continued throughout the vision and I even saw myself in a coronation at one point.  Maybe this relates back to my past life in Egypt which I explained in a previous post or may simply be a giant metaphor for something about myself I need to understand.  What do you think?

Afterwards, I was back up in the air looking down on the landscape.  To my surprise when I obtained a closer look, those buildings turned out to be what looked like lorries stuck in a gridlock around the pyramid!  Not sure what the hell that is supposed to represent but I went with it.

I was then shown lots of pyramids all bathed in this orange glow, even very tall thin ones.  I am wondering if I am being told about my orange sacral chakra.  I know it is blocked.  But I am unsure about the significance of the pyramids.  I see a lot of them.

However, this vision ties in with another one I saw a couple of nights ago before I went to sleep.  Once more I was in my black dress an on some sort of building site I couldn't see very clearly.  I was standing inside the space occupying a wall of bricks just below my knees.  I was laying bricks and obviously building something.  When I looked around I realised I was building a pyramid!  For some reason I appeared to understand and did not question what I was doing.  I started to put the cement on the base of the wall and then put the brick down.  However, I had the sense I was doing it all wrong.  I know nothing about laying bricks.

I heard myself call out to my deceased grandfather who I love dearly and miss for him to come and help me.  He is often around!  He used to be a builder and knew all about laying bricks.  My late grandfather duly appeared to me as the man I knew as a child with his cap on, just before his retirement in the late 70s - early 80s.  All of a sudden a mixer appeared and the cement on a board I was using was much more vivid.  He showed me how to spread the cement evenly on the bottom of the brick and the sides before placing it on the wall, pressing it gently but firmly to secure it.  We continued to build and my Uncle appeared to help us.

My Uncle was always known as the brains of the family.  He was a teacher of Engineering  and Vice Principal of a Technical College.  He also wrote engineering books in the 70s which are still bought today as collector's items.  That day before my nightly vision, he had already visited me.  His calling card is always a packet of blue and white box Embassy cigarettes with a gold lighter placed on top.  Then I will often see an old photo of him in my mind's eye that will become very strong and vivid. He had come to help me build the pyramid as well.  Perhaps this relates to the building of my new publishing business which I have become so stressed about making a success immediately rather than taking time.  As so many people remind me, Rome wasn't built in a day!  Ever since then I have been asked to build this pyramid in my mind every night.  However, I have been unwell the last couple of nights with symptoms from my balance disorder and FND and it has gone by the wayside.  I hope to get back to it tonight.

Getting back to my vision in space, things started to take an even stranger turn!  At the time, I was listening to music from one of my favourite movies, Inception.  I have used that music so many times to help me create scenes for my novels and it never fails to rouse my creativity and apparently now, visions as well.  This time my MIBs used a scene from the film where Ariadne is walking around Paris in her lucid dream.  I can't remember the actual place but she is on some sort of walkway where there are mirrors along the side.  She moves one to place it in front of her and then does it with all of the others.  I found myself doing it once before I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror.

I could see my MIBs standing behind me at a distance.  I always see Nathan and the rest of them behind me in the mirror.  But a big question mark appeared on the mirror in front of me.  I keep asking who I really am so I suppose this referred to my constant questioning.  The MIBs looked as though they were standing there waiting - probably for me to get the whole thing!  Well, that probably won't happen any time soon!  Every now and then through the rest of the vision I heard a man whisper, Pleiadian.  Am I one of those Pleiadian Starseeds people talk so much about?  Again, who knows I am just telling you what I heard.

My next destination was at a large country house.  I have seen one in other visions, the last was one with a whole lot of shiny expensive 1920s cars outside.  Inside I was greeted by a whole crowd of men in upper class English Victorian dress with black top hats and pin stripe trousers.  For a second they changed their hats to cowboy ones which I think was a daft way of telling me they were American.  My MIBs always tell me they are American.  My last life with them was in the 1920s New York I am told and I died in 1926.  I have always been convinced they were mob! Lol.  Something they have never denied!

These men suddenly clapped me.  Then I was off outside in front of the house to greet another crowd of men.  Why do I never see women? These men were much older and appeared as though they were Statesmen.  I say Victorian but it felt more like the early 1900s.  I was asked to sit in front of a smaller group of them by a tree and again I was given a crown, sceptre and orb.  About ten of these old Statesmen stood behind me for a photograph.  One of them to to the side held some sort of stick and used it to point at a blue print or some kind of map laid out on the floor that I couldn't clearly see and the photograph was taken.

I was then shown the photograph as a large black and white photo come postcard in a album with black pages just like my grandmother used to have.  One of the men stood out at me. He appeared to be in charge.  He was an old man with a large white moustache and I can still vividly see him now as I write this.  I keep wondering if this was somehow Nathan but I am told it wasn't.  Whoever he is, I know he is important and an advisor of sorts as well as a Statesman.  The album was closed and the vision ended.  Again, I witnessed a version of me, a part if you like, returning to my room through a portal to lie back down inside me.  I had definitely transported a part of myself somewhere, perhaps another dimension to receive an important message.

My MIBs keep showing me the photograph in this album.  What do you believe they are trying to tell me?  Have you ever experienced anything like this?

I will just sign off with a quick note about the spooks hanging about in the town where I live.  I have discovered that there is a new spirit gentleman in Waterstones.  He sits in one of the chairs reading a newspaper and appears to be quite content that is until I go near him.  He ruffles his paper, frowns and gets up.  He doesn't move back until I go to another section.  I get this all the time with spirits.  They are either desperate to get near me and talk or they don't want to know me at all.  Lol.

This leads me on to the restaurant in the oldest building in the town where I see the two young Puritan girls who call me witch when I pass and general annoy and push me around when I go in there, especially when I go up to the toilets.  Every time I wash my hands they try to push me.  I can physically see my MIBs hold them back.  Unfortunately, I have had to go in there the last couple of days to celebrate my own birthday and a friend's.  They have spent the whole time nipping outside to look through the window where I am sitting and stick their tongues out at me all the time.  It is hilarious to watch but they are nasty bullies.  One of my MIBs pushed one of them in to a toilet cubicle to keep her away from me while I washed my hands. Lol.  I remember seeing him shake his head and throw his hands up in the air at her behaviour. LOL.

Well, that is enough of me chuntering on!  See you next time and remember, don't have nightmares!


Saturday, 21 April 2018

Spaceship Blueprints, Starseeds, Alien Men, Empaths, Fake Mediums, Red Dwarf & Ghostly Floating Disembodied Eyes

Read my book on my ghostly experiences with my Man In Black Spirt & MIB guides before my interview in the July issue of bestselling UK magazine Spirit & Destiny in their July issue.


I made a decision yesterday.  I will never visit another Spiritual Medium for a tarot reading or anything else.  Yesterday I went to see a woman who has been giving me readings for years.  Why  when I can do my own readings?  Well, it is simple.  I just don't trust my own judgement or think I am good enough to make my own on just about anything so I have to keep asking other people for their opinions before I do anything!  It is very frustrating.

I went to this woman because I believed she was talking to my MIB Guides, especially Nathan even though I knew most of the time she was reading me, not always gaining information from him or my other guides.  It often felt like she was reading my thoughts rather than anything else.  But the main reason I went is because Nathan used to send me when we argued like an old married couple and I would never believe or accept anything he said.  After all, why would he bother helping someone like me?  There had to be a catch!

Anyway, she would often say things like, "he is being quiet today," as though Nathan was not giving her any information and she couldn't give me many answers.  She also asked me a lot of questions, something a real Medium wouldn't do or need to.  But I ignored it.  All I knew in my depression throughout the divorce, losing my home and my whole way of life changing was that she made me feel better and more hopeful for the future by confirming everything Nathan had told me even if it all didn't transpire in the end.  So I continued to go even though the feeling of doubt grew stronger.  I even wanted to go in to business with this woman when the house sold and I received my money - funny nothing ever came of it and I am glad now.  Our ideas of what we wanted changed but I don't think she was too happy when I distanced myself a little believing it was never going to happen.

Before going for the reading in the morning, I met with a friend for breakfast in that old world restaurant in the town that houses two Puritan girl ghosts and a very dark man I have now noticed who usually shout abuse at me when I pass or go in.   Luckily we sat in the garden in the lovely sunshine and I wasn't bothered by them too much.  One of them stuck her tongue out at me when I left but at least I didn't hear any chants of witch this time!  My friend and I will often exchange messages from each other's guides while chatting.  She told me that Nathan and the rest of my MIBs were telling her that they couldn't understand why I was still angry at the Universe for everything that had happened to me with the divorce.  I was now on the right path running my own new company, yet still I raged.  They informed her I was like a baby in a pram who had thrown her toys out!  They kept putting them back in and she could see the old 19th century pram they referred to.  Cheeky gits!

It did make me smile though because just the night before I could see them standing in my living room with a large old fashioned pram.  Nathan held a baby over his shoulder and he pointed at me then the baby to indicate the child represented me.  He then put the baby in the pram and rocked it to soothe the distressed infant!  This is something he and the others do when I feel angry or hurt by something I perceive they have had a hand in when it is just the way my life has been going or things other people have done to me.  She also told me that I had done enough with the company and I should relax for a while.  It would be successful.

This was a complete contrast to the reading I received later on in the afternoon!  Without going in to too much detail it was negative and brought my fragile mood and self esteem I have been trying so hard to rebuild to the ground.  Everything was bleak, my company was not working and I needed to change to something else and maybe end it!  She also brought up the fact that Nathan had been telling me through her for a long time that things would be better once I got my divorce, even moving in to a new big house with a bestselling book and none of this had occurred.  She now believed he was a ghost who had been with me all of my lives here and he had never walked the earth.  He didn't understand that I needed earthly things to survive and was basically naive and a child.  Then the piece de resistance, when I asked her how Nathan showed himself to her she provided a picture of him that greatly surprised me.

She described him as quite small, dark with a pot belly. Lol.  Completely different to the handsome dark haired man he had shown me at different ages including a 14 year old boy from the nineteenth century and the 1920s.  I was shocked.  My friends and other Mediums have seen him and they always confirmed the image I was shown.

The whole time she changed what she was saying and turned everything around when I challenged her.  She was desperate and was clearly reading my own negativity rather than receiving messages.  I suddenly realised I had been played.  Devastated and unable to trust either her or Nathan I came out feeling so down I thought I might self destruct.  This was all I needed.

All that went through my mind was the episode Camille from my favourite UK comedy space series, Red Dwarf.  You know the one where the crew rescue a woman from a ship and each other see her as a completely different kind of woman - their perfect kind!  It takes them  a while to realise they are being played and she is forced to reveal her true self as a Pleasure Gelf being, engineered to be viewed as any man's idea of a perfect woman.  Is that what Nathan had been doing to me?  If so, was this to help inspire me to write romance books? Lol.  But there is worse to come.  When the Pleasure Gelf revealed herself, she was a huge gelatinous green alien blob with one big eye on a stalk! Lol.  Is Nathan, really an alien green blob? Lol.  The deceit!!

And am I a shallow person who couldn't bear to have a twin flame looking like Mr Blobby? Lol.  I do vaguely remember him showing me as a not so good looking man with a belly once when I complained about feeling old and fat and not good enough to be seen with someone like him.  I thought this was  to make me feel better and smile. Lol.

The confusion and sense of betrayal he has created in my mind which still has me guessing as to his true image has caused a lot of hurt but it has exposed all the trust issues I need to deal with as well as all the people who have been taking advantage of me recently.  And there are a lot.  I had to go out while I was in the middle of writing this post and something else happened.  I was treated badly once more by people I thought would take care of me at the hair salon of all places while having my hair coloured after going there for a long time and spending a lot of money.

As I walked home disappointed thinking of everything that had happened to me recently and last year I vowed never to go back.  It felt like the shallowness of the whole world had been exposed.  I am no one special or better and occasionally I get it wrong like everyone else but I would like to think I treat people well.  It was a strange feeling, as though I was apart from it, a stranger.  I could see why I hadn't been treated well and the thought process behind it all.  I have been becoming more and more empathetic of late to the point it is crushing me a lot and the ability to see right through people to their thoughts when they are lying and see their hidden agendas is getting stronger.  It only serves to make me feel like an alien.  I have no doubts now that I more than likely a Starseed.  I just don't get this place and hell yeah, beam me up Scottie.  I want to go home! :). Can you relate to this experience?

I am not saying all Mediums or Tarot Readers are like this lady but I do believe it is time we all started relying on our own intuition and psychic abilities.  After all we all have them.

I am still not acknowledging Nathan's presence or anything he has to say to me at the minute.  He has tried to convince me he appears exactly as he is and to be fair the image she recounted more importantly did not feel like the truth to me.  Also, that night my company started to get sales after just a week and a half when all reports say it often takes months and I woke up the next day feeling very different about myself, my work and my future.  No more would I not trust myself.  I would believe in myself and I was going to be successful.  I deserved to be.

A friend a long time ago told me that spirit Guides will often send you to other Mediums to show you how much better you are than them and how much confidence you should have.  I don't believe for one minute I am better than other Mediums or anything like that but I believe I was taught a very important lesson in trusting myself.  Nathan has always said when I am in doubt even of him at times, I should always trust what my own intuition is telling me and forget everyone else including him.

Also, not everything you are told will transpire.  You can change your path or sometimes it just can't be arranged.  Maybe a lesson has to be learnt first.  Now I know I will move forward with faith and get everything I need and want to do it!

I would love to know your thoughts on this!

Before I go I want to quickly tell you about part of another weird meditation come vision I had that only strengthens my feelings about being a Starseed again.  I found myself up in space once more, hovering over the earth before I flew fast in to a futuristic tunnel made up of lines of light.  I am always entering a tunnel and travelling along it to reach somewhere else but I don't always arrive at the destination.

This tunnel disappeared and I found myself looking at an outline, almost like a blueprint of a spacecraft.  I sat in the lines marking the pilot's seat but it did not form in to a solid shape.  When my vision started to come to an end and I left it to come back to earth through a door back in to my room where I lay and join my body again ( I always know some part of me has actually travelled somewhere when I see these visions and I always come back), Nathan, who was standing at the bottom of the bed held the blueprint for the spacecraft.  He quickly rolled it up and inserted it in to a tube marked Top Secret.  I have not seen it again.  Work that one out! :). Any thoughts, let me know.

Join me next time when I tell you about the pyramids I have been seeing in meditations and the disembodied eye that floats like the Eye of Horus around my room in the middle of the night when I wake!

Remember, don't have nightmares!


Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Starseeds & Alien Souls, Ghosts or Aliens, Men In Black, Alien Dimensions, Creation Ideas & A New Earth


I just want to say a big thanks to all of those reading my blog!  There has been a lot of interest  in my posts and I really appreciate it.  Keep your comments coming!  I want to know what you think. :)

First up, I want to finish talking about these strange visions I been having during some of my meditations which I believe might be related to the earth moving from 3rd density in to the 4th and the whole acension process going on.  The most recent images I have been shown by my MIBs are of the earth.  Once more, I found myself up in space hovering over the earth looking down upon it.  All of a sudden it began to break apart and fall away from its position.  A little disturbing to watch to say the least!  However, it broke away to reveal a bright star in its middle.  This brilliant white star opened and fell away to reveal a new earth in its centre.  The new planet earth looked and felt fresh, clean and even pure, if that is even possible! The blue of the oceans was deep and vibrant as were the white of the clouds circling in the atmosphere.  It was a new earth.

I have been thinking of this vision and a sort of day dream come vision I have quite often.  I have become disillusioned with all religious concepts of a male God or Goddess & the Universe in spirituality.  After the divorce and with my continuing debilitating physical health problems, I have found it hard to believe in the existence of a higher force in the traditional sense.  Yet I need to believe in something else.  I just know there is something better out there who loves more than the man made depictions & the cold force that responds to your thoughts and manifestation technique of spirituality we have had to make do with.  I am not sure if Nathan or the rest of my MIBs have deliberately shown me these images I am about to recount to you or it has come from my higher self.  I'd like to think it is the latter.

When I think of the Universe or a God figure as we have been taught, I see the Wizard of Oz.  The curtain pulls back and there is simply a man working some controls to create an illusion of an authoritative male figure.  It is very disappointing and I find myself yearning for a deeper meaning and a new idea of God to believe in.

This co-incides with the strong visions of space and beyond I have in my meditations and daydreams.  I want to believe in something better, something more worthwhile and loving beyond any idea we have of the word.  I see myself travelling through space to a curtain of black and stars.  I stand in front of it and grip the middle to open them to reveal the golden light outside.  It is a murky gold and I travel through it before passing in to brilliant white light as though being given birth to.  I am not sure where this is but I believe it is outside space?  Is that possible?  Sounds mad!  But there it is.

I was reading something the other day that was discussing the same intricate creation patterns that are found in nature, the body and the stars.  What if this world and others, space and all of the dimensions are inside one wondrous being.  They say God is in you, what about if we are inside God.  What is on the outside?  Is this the enlightenment we are all striving for?

I talk in my book, The Man in Black about all humans being an expression of the Universe or God so this mighty being can experience life in all its forms.  Do we pass through the golden light into the white and give birth to our own true identity as an entity in our own right?  Is this what the Universe wishes us to accomplish through all of these trials on earth or in other dimensions and galaxies as Starseeds and other alien souls?  Or is this just another metaphor for something I don't understand?  Who knows?  All I know is that the white light is comforting and loving.  It feels different and right for me.  What do you think?

Before I go, I noticed some of you making comments on the link for my blog on FB re the Men in Black being more related to the mysterious men who show up to dissuade you from talking about UFOs.  I don't know why my Spirit Guides appear to me as Men In Black but they do and are very real.  They associate their dress with security and secrecy.  The more I discover about them, the more I believe there is a Starseed, Alien and Blue Ray connection with them.

They are definitely from another dimension.  When I was on my two cruises last year, I used to look out over the water on the balcony attached to my cabin.  My MIBs were walking around on top of the water.  A closer look showed me that they appeared to be walking on some sort of platform set in the air above the ocean.  I realised they were in a different dimension looking in on the earth.  Perhaps they are not spirits or ghosts but aliens from another dimension able to move part of their energy in to this world and take form while others look in through a screen at us.  Sounds more like science fiction, doesn't it?  Maybe I have it wrong and my imagination is running away with me but I know what I have been seeing for a while and we are most definitely not alone on this planet.  

Please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts on this post.  Have you had similar visions?  Do you have a concept of God/Universe/Creation that differs from the so called norm?

Take care and remember, don't have nightmares!


Friday, 13 April 2018

The Woman Who Fell To Earth, Aliens & Galactic Families, Night Time Visits From Spirits & Men In White Robes


Apologies for not having posted yesterday but I have been ill with tonsillitis.  Nice!  Anyway, I am here now and I have lots to tell you as always.

However, first I want to talk about a comment I received from a lady on a FB advert for my book.  She told me that she often sees a man in black at the bottom of her bed when she is just waking up.  Her heart pounds when she sees him and she is afraid.  But when she asks him to leave he always does.

This reminded me of one of my first experiences seeing ghosts when I was still living at home with my parents in Newcastle.  They'd left early morning, around 5.00am to retrieve my brother from University in Hull for the Christmas holidays and I was alone.  It was too early for me to rise so I lay in bed with the two family dogs curled up on either side of my feet.  I remembering dozing having been awake when they left and being a little concerned at being left alone.

My eyes were closed but I know I was awake.  The bedroom door was wide open and the landing light was on.  I remember seeing the landing in my mind and the stairs leading up to it.  Although I could not see the person, I knew a man was walking up them.  He crossed the landing and entered my bedroom.  My heart started to thud like an express train and I remember screaming at myself in my mind that I wasn't imagining it there really was someone standing in my room.

I couldn't tell where he was in the room but all of a sudden I knew he was moving again.  I still couldn't see him but I could sense and feel his presence.  He came to stand next to the bed and l felt a part of him press against my arm.  That was it.  I wasn't going to take anymore.  I could really feel him pressing against me.  I sat straight up in bed with a cry, eyes wide open and the whole thing stopped.  I got up putting every light on but no one was in the room.

I will never forget it.  You can read about it in my book, The Man in Black along with how the MIBs helped me evade being caught up in the Barcelona Terrorist Attacks.  I now know it was Nathan even though at the time I presumed it might be the spirit of my dead Uncle.  I wouldn't see Nathan for real until 2011, many years later

I just have to interject here and tell you what I am having to put up with while writing this post.  I am once more, arguing with Nathan and the rest of my MIBs.  Sometimes I just don't like the way I am led by my guides.  There appears to be a lot of pain and hardship involved and I am tired.  So I get angry and throw my toys out of the pram, shunning them.  They hate it. Lol.  Nathan is pacing the floor around me and the table I am working on.  I can also feel him leaning over me, breathing down my neck as he tries to attract my attention.  He is not going to win until my feelings are understood.

Rowing with your Guides appears to be a common thing while going through the pain of a spiritual awakening.  Even Victor Oddo who I regularly watch on YouTube and a close friend have the same experience.  None of us like being told what to do.

That does not stop my MIBs.  I went out for something to eat earlier and to start formulating my ideas for this post.  I duly ignored them but I could still hear them advising me what would be good for me to eat on the menu and when to finish to stop my stomach hurting and my IBS from flaring up!  They never stop.

When I came in I could see some of their faces on my hall wall.  That never ceases to amaze me.  Their features were so detailed and some looked as though they had been drawn on there.  I am seeing faces in so much more detail than I used to.  I see them everywhere, in art, moving across TV screens, on YouTube and so much more.

When I ignored the MIBs and got changed,  a couple of them wandered around in my line of vision.  When I shout and swear at them they simply show me them putting on head phones or inserting ear plugs until my rant is over.  They think they are clever but my ranting and mood can last for days! Hah. Lol.  Cheeky gits.

Anyway, they keep telling me they are there to help me and to move me on in life.  To where?  I am still waiting.  Today they told me that they were here exclusively for me and they are my soul and galactic family.  They came here with me when I was born and are all connected to me by a cord.  We are a team and they cannot leave me.  They look after my daughter as well because she is part of me.  They show me love hearts to show their unconditional love, especially my Twin Flame, Nathan.

In light of this, I want to advise the lady and anyone else having a scary experience.  It was for me at first.  All of a sudden I could see Men In Black suits walking around my bedroom at night professing to be guarding me and I was scared.  But I got used to them and now I would be afraid if they weren't there.  I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I don't believe the entity the lady is seeing is a dark one purely because he leaves when she asks.  If you are seeing a spirit and a man in black you are not sure of, ask them what they want.  I think this MIB is guarding.  They seem to come closer at night, a time when we are most vulnerable.  But if you are afraid call on Archangel Michael for protection and ask the spirit to leave with a firm voice.

Again, years before I saw Nathan and the MIBs, I was at a friend's house.  After a night on the town we came in around 3.00am in the morning.  I remember trying to sleep and had just managed to doze off for a while before opening my eyes to see a thin middle aged woman spirit in a blue blouse and white pleated skirt standing at the bottom of the bed looking over at me.  Like the MIBs, she appeared to be concerned I was feeling safe and secure while I slept as though it is an important job she had to attend to.

Before I go, I want to tell you snippets about a second strange meditation I experienced the other day. A lot of them appear to be about falling.  I have mentioned that when I meditate with music I find myself up in the stars.  In this meditation I was up in space and then I started to fall back to earth at a terrific speed.  Sometimes I hit the ground but I am not hurt and other times I hover an inch off it.  As I came to hover over the earth I heard a loud voice tell me that I was, "The Woman Who Fell To Earth."

I immediately thought of the movie starring David Bowie, 'The Man Who Fell To Earth' and I presume that is what the voice was referring to.  I haven't seen this film but obviously it is about an alien who arrives on earth and keeps his true identity hidden?  I will have to watch it.

I suddenly realised the voice belonged to the older man in the white robe I often see when I am given healing and when I heal others with Angelic Reiki.  He was lying over me as though inside me and clearly had been controlling the images and words I received in my meditation.

I wish I knew what this was all about!

Until next time . . .

Don't have nightmares and enjoy your weekend!
