Tuesday 6 March 2018

Alien Encounters, Starseeds & Adult Indigos, Strange Lights, 1970s, Most Haunted & Celebrity Ghost Hunt


A shorter post tonight to finish off what I started yesterday!  First, I want to tell you what I saw on Most Haunted on Friday night.  Did you watch it?  Let me know if you saw anything.

I saw numerous faces on the wall, the grey mist they talked about walking towards them and the face of a girl next to the doll that mysteriously caught fire before Karl's jacket was set aflame by a spirit!  I have to say that I did not pick up anything negative even though this happened.  Not until Fred did his Lucifer incantation.  WTF?  Why would you do that???  At the start, I picked up on the man they mentioned from the 1950s, a man in a kilt with a large moustache.  I could see his face on the wall.  I would love to know what you saw, felt or heard.

It has been a busy day.  I have increased relaying messages to people from their guides and my own MIB ones.  I love doing that especially when it makes people feel better.  Some of my MIBs are going to help protect a friend's energy from someone after their guides requested their assistance.  Well, they told me they wanted jobs and I so eager for them to help others as well as little old me.

I have been doing a lot of research on Starseeds & Indigos after really resonating with the whole concept.  Am I an alien from outer space incarnated in to a human life to help raise the consciousness of planet earth?  God knows! Lol.  But after watching several YouTube videos out of a ton on there, I have to say that I do correlate with a lot of the signs.  Did you watch the links I provided in one of my recent posts? Think you are one?

One of the signs is that you are homesick even though you are at home.  I remember as a child, teenager, young woman that I have asked out loud to go home.  I still do.  I just want to go home.  It is such a strong overwhelming feeling.  When I was very ill with my fits and stroke like symptoms caused by FND and throughout the divorce when I lost so much, I begged my Guides to take me home.  Like the people they talk of in the videos I feel an intense loneliness and I cannot relate to a lot of people including my immediate family.  I always felt like the odd one out and we do not even speak.  This has gone on for years and it is very sad.

However, I haven't had any alien encounters.  But I do wonder about an experience I had when I was a child, around eight years old.  I was always waking up at night seeing strange things in my room.  I was always frightened.  Now I know what it was and that my MIBs have been with me since birth.  However, they did not make themselves known to me properly until my marriage began to end in 2010.  I remember waking up with a strange orange/yellow glow coming through the blinds covering the window in to the room which would have been in the late 1970s.  I couldn't work out what it was.  It wasn't headlights from a car or anything else.  I remember feeling intensely afraid and I just wanted to get to my parent's bedroom and wake them.  I managed to get up and pressed my body back against the wall of my bedroom as I tried to edge my way out of the room keeping my eyes on the light.  but I suddenly stopped feeling paralysed and I couldn't move for a long time.  I was very frightened of this light.  I don't know how I began to move again but I did.  It was so strong and then I was running in to my parent's room. I can recall it so vividly now.  Was that an alien experience?  Or a child's overactive imagination?

Have to say though, not sure I want to know I really look like one of those strange grey aliens. :). If you have any views on the Starseed or Indigo theories, I would love to hear them.  In the meantime, here is the link for Victor Oddo & The Seven Signs You Are A Starseed again.  I like this guy, he says it like it is!  And he is just plain nice. :)

I am going now but remember Celebrity Ghost Hunt is on tonight, Channel 5 at 10pm!

Don't have nightmares!


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