Monday 12 March 2018

Men In White Robes, Not Showering Alone, Nudity, Dream Protectors,, Baby Spirits, Spirit Medical Team & The Myth of Loneliness


I wrote a rough draft of this post this morning while sitting in Carluccios having breakfast after having just had a full body lava shell massage and my eyebrows done.  Why am I divulging this useless information?  Well, because of the strange experience I have every time I have one!

When I have a massage, the beauty therapist and I are not the only people in the room.  I usually have a spirit audience!  Not something you want to think about when you are lying flat on your face with nothing but your underwear on and half way down your backside!

My principal guide and twin Flame, Nathan loves to tag along with a group of MIBs who always accompany me when I go out.  They never let me out on my own or is it they are just men who like to shop and afraid to admit it? Lol.  Who knows.  They must get bored standing around in the flat  When I go for a massage they come too.

As usual they stand in their strategic guarding positions but thankfully, many of them fade so I can't physically see them, although in my mind's eye I can see them if I wish to.  There is always a large mirror in the massage room and I can always see Nathan standing next to me when I have stripped off just before I am ready to lie down.  I try not to let it bother me.  But when the massage starts and you suddenly realise that other spirits have appeared in the room and are standing around the table ready to heal you then things get a bit more embarrassing.

I won't go in to the whole thing but the next minute, in my mind's eye I see men in white robes standing over me to place their hands on my head and the body, healing me along with the therapist!  This has happened a few times, sometimes at night in my bedroom after which I have experienced what can only be described as a detox.

This is a departure from the medical team they usually have around me and they appear when I conduct healing sessions on someone else.  Since I have had non-epileptic seizures, balance problems, falls and more, I have had medical doctors in spirit helping me.  To emphasise they are doctors, they will wear a stethoscope around their necks and surgical masks on occasion.  They advise on diet, exercise and more.  It is wonderful to be looked after so well but sometimes it can be irritating being told what to do all the time.  And why they all have to be men with only the appearance of two nurses, one of which is often dressed in a World War One uniform and one female doctor who isn't there most of the time, beats me!

Nathan and my MIBs are with me constantly.  They never leave my side as I have already mentioned and they take their work very seriously.  It can become infuriating even though most of it is endearing to be surrounded by your soul family and those loyal to it.  Quite often it leads to arguments.  Yep, I have a rant when they get on my nerves or they take over too much and act like control freaks.  I hope no one ever sees me having a shout at them in the living room! Lol.  When I do that, they just take it and then one of them will show me they are holding a newborn baby over their shoulder.  They will pat the baby's back and walk around with it as though nursing some pain or discomfort the child is feeling.  This MIB will point at the baby and then me indicating the child they hold is meant to represent me.  Then he has the audacity to put the baby in a pram and move it back and forth and jiggle it as though to soothe and calm the baby as though it has colic.  Cheek!

Anyway to get back to this question of privacy from spirit.  Answer, there is none.  And yes that includes the bathroom.  I never shower alone and I do my best not to think about it.  I am not going in to anything else here. Lol.  Nudity does not bother them and they appear to not give a damn.  I wish I felt the same way.  The best I get when I complain is then turning their backs putting a blindfold on and headphones.  As if that makes it any better!

Every room in the flat has Men In Black in it guarding.  Why?  Who knows.  All I am aware of is that they are watching for other entities, orbs etc that shouldn't be there.  They are always looking upwards towards the ceilings and the nooks and crannies for anything that could cause a threat.  I have seen spirits appear unannounced in my bedroom or somewhere else in my home and they are quickly escorted out.

This also applies to those spirits I see in a vision in my mind.  Quite often when I wake up, I will close my eyes again and doze.  As I do, occasionally, I will see a spirit appear in a vision up close.  They will turn and stare at me as though I am there with them in an alternate reality.  They are right in my face.  My response is to open my eyes wide in shock and call for Nathan's assistance to get rid of them.  I want to help those in spirit but my bedroom and my rest time is off limits.

Anyway, this spirit tried it again.  He was stopped and then on his third try I found myself  in a car showroom with him.  He was standing away from me at the bottom end of the room.  He turned and tried to walk towards me but something or should I say someone was blocking his path, Nathan.  Every time, the spirt tried to walk towards me Nathan would walk towards the man and block him.  This happened a few times before he took the hint and the image disappeared.

I have actually been having a bad dream where I have been cornered and about to be attacked by a man.  The dream was a recurring theme dream.  It was always vivid and I found myself screaming for Nathan.  He duly arrived and helped me.  Apart from the last time I had this dream when I felt ecstatic that I somehow developed super human strength and fought my would be rapist off on my own.

I am never alone and I firmly believe no one else in the world is either, no matter what they say or feel!  You just have to look a little closer to see who is standing by your side on your team, ready to give comfort, support, encouragement and protection at a moment's notice, even in your dreams.  Life isn't an easy job for anyone to get through.  We all need some help no matter what anyone says.

This world is a crowded place, not just because of the living but because of the spirits who came with us as advisors, protectors and helpers.  I know because I see them.  If I don't see their outlines or full physical presence with my eyes, I will see evidence of them around people in the form of small twinkling lights in all different colours.  This was true of today when I met a friend on the street this afternoon and went for coffee with her.  Costa was full of spirits with people coming and going trying to get my attention.  So much so, I sometimes mistake spirits for the living.

As one of my Medium friends told me when I first asked her about my team of Men In Black suits protectors and why they were there, you came as a team on a life mission, you are just the one with the body.

So next time you feel that crippling loneliness that can be felt when there is just you or even if you are with crowds of people and family, realise you are not alone.  Ask who is standing by your side.  You may just be surprised at the answer.

Remember, don't have nightmares!


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