Thursday 1 March 2018

Stalking Shopper Ghosts, Spirit & Destiny Magazine Interview, Rattling Noises During Celebrity Ghost Hunt, MIB Helpers, Starseeds & ET Phone Home


Great news!  My interview with Spirit & Destiny Magazine in the UK about my MIBs and spooky experiences will be featured in their July issue!

So what has been happening?  Lots as usual.  I want to talk about Starseeds but first here are a few experiences I have recently had.  The first one involves the new TV programme, Celebrity Ghost Hunt and some table rattling while watching Rylan Clark-Neal lead a team of so called celebrities on a ghost hunt.  My daughter and I were binge watching the episodes we had missed one evening.  During, the show while they were all listening for bangs, footsteps and more from the ghostly inhabitants of the building they were conducting the ghost hunt in, something started rattling very loudly in the room we sat in.  Surprised, my daughter turned down the sound on the TV and I quickly stood looking for the source of the noise.  I knew it was somewhere in front of us because of how loud it was.

I checked the TV, Xbox, Sky box etc.  Nothing.  Then I turned my attention to the glass coffee table in front of me.  It wasn't moving but it was now clear the loud rattling sound was coming from there.  I have several photographs and small ornaments on the table yet I couldn't see any of them moving.  I took away a plate I had placed there but the strange sound didn't stop.  Then I looked at the three candles in glass casings pressed closed together.  There appeared to be no movement but as soon as I removed the largest the noise stopped dead!

I grinned at the two MIBs I could clearly see guarding in the doorway of the kitchen and the others near me thinking it was them but I was to receive a surprise.  A pin prick of blue light rested over one of my photographs on my grandfather indicating it was him who had made the noise. I think he wanted us to experience what we were watching on the TV!

Another spooky occurrence I wanted to tell you about last time involved a stalking shopper ghost.  My friend who is also a Spiritual Medium and I met for coffee in a Costa inside our local Debenhams she works in part-time.  I had been in the Costa the day before meeting another friend and had picked up on a male spirit watching me from the men's department visible from my table.  It had left me feeling very uneasy, hot and uncomfortable.  Afterwards, I walked around the shopping centre and felt as though I were being followed but I wasn't sure if it was the same spirit.  When I asked if I could help, even though I just wanted to get away, the young man replied he didn't want any help, he just wanted to watch me.  Creepy.  My MIBs had moved in closer around me at the time in some sort of military diamond formation.  Nathan is always at my side but there was one in front of me, another behind and one on either side.  It made me feel much safer if not surprised at just how protective they can be of me.

Anyway, my friend quickly told me that she had felt as though someone in spirit in Costa had been watching her all the time.  We had a coffee and then moved across from Debenhams to a restaurant to have lunch.  Everything was peaceful until I noticed a young man in spirit moving up and down the path outside looking in the windows at us in my mind's eye while my physical eyes saw his outline.  He wasn't the same one in the Mall but was definitely the spirit who had been watching me the day before in Debenhams while I had coffee.  Not long after the lights started to flash.  This is usually an indication that my MIBs are warning me something is wrong and they want me to move on.  My friend mentioned she felt uncomfortable and asked if we could leave.

We went back to Costa and sat in the seat in the window.  My friend was facing me and had a good view of the fence and seating around the small river outside.  She suddenly told me there was a young man sitting on the fence staring at her all the time.  She was really perturbed.  I leaned forward and turned my head to get a better look and sure enough I could see him as clear as day.  My friend had no doubts he was a spirit even though he could be physically seen.  He grinned at me and I frowned also feeling uneasy.  So I asked Nathan and my MIBs to go and check him out to see why he was stalking us and what he wanted.  I watched their outlines walk out the door and then very clearly saw two of them stand over the spirit in their long black coats in my mind's eye.

I couldn't hear any conversation but I knew they would move him on and not let him cause any more trouble.  I rummaged around in my bag looking for something while telling my friend with amusement that I felt like Mr Burns in The Simpsons when he ordered Smithers to release the hounds!  The moment I said release the hounds my friend said the spirit sitting on the fence disappeared.  He hasn't been back to bother us with his stalking again.

This preceded my principal MIB guide & Twin Flame Nathan and my other MIBs asking me to give them jobs to do.  They want to be of more use now they are getting me to the other side of my divorce and my publishing company is nearly up and running.  They want to do more.  They are bored of just hanging around.  So I have had them assisting unaware people, such as an older friend of mine who needed help walking to the bathroom, a woman who needed supporting on a rackety train while on holiday and more.  

This brings me neatly on to the topic of Starseeds, Indigo Adults/Children and wondering if my MIBs are something much more than spirits who want to help and guard me for a reason I still cannot fathom.

Check out this fab YouTube Video by Victor Oddo and the seven signs you are a Starseed before my next post when I will be discussing Starseeds & Indigo children in more depth.  After watching this, I have no doubts I am one.  Maybe my MIBs are extra-terrestrial and not spirits after all!  Maybe I should phone home!

Remember, don't have nightmares and spare a thought for me tonight.  I mentioned in my last post about the spirit who has the lift in my small block of flats make a eerie clunking noise to annoy me.  He wants me to leave he told me because I attract too much spiritual activity and he doesn't like me.  He appeared to disappear (no doubt my MIBs had a hand in that) for a while but when I came home today and entered the bathroom the noise began in earnest again together with the flashing lights.  Nathan informed me that he is inside the lift and they can't get him out.  I think he is a wily spirit.  His cigarette smoke has been around off and on as well.  Oh joy!  Let's hope he doesn't keep me awake tonight.


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