Saturday 24 March 2018

The Adjustment Bureau, Burning Witches, Haunted Taxis, Star Trekkin, Woman In Black, Puritans, Spies & Alien Dimensions


Well it has been an eventful week trying to set up my publishing company which I will hopefully be able provide a link for in my next post.  There have been some problems to iron out.  I have also been answering more questions about my relationship with the MIBs for my Spirit & Destiny Magazine interview which will appear in their July issue.

I have had some interesting spooky experiences in the last few weeks.  I was walking past the restaurant in the small town in which I live that is haunted by some young puritan women.  I always see them bustling about sweeping around the tables outside or in the window.  If only the people eating in there could see them they would get a huge shock.  I walked on attempting to ignore them but heard their familiar insult of calling me a witch.  As I neared the end of the building I could see someone in my mind's eye, not one of them, open a lighter at the bottom of of my coat at the back and set it alight as though they were burning a witch.  Charming!  I just grinned and shook my head seeing one of my MIBs pulling one of the Puritan women away from me.  They really don't like me there! Lol.  And another sighting involved a taxi driver.  I walked towards the car that was waiting for clearly seeing the taxi driver in the front.  He was dressed in a suit and I thought he had just been on a corporate job.  They always appear smart in a suit when doing such a job.  I thought nothing of it, apart from thinking he was rather attractive with his sunglasses on.  You can imagine my shock when I walked around the other side to see the back car door open and the actual taxi driver lying across the back seat trying to fix something before I got in!  I believe the spirit I had seen in the driving seat was one of my MIBs.

I have been plotting, planning and writing my book on all of my MIB and ghost experiences and it has made me recollect a lot more happenings.  I have also been in a reflective mood while compiling them and wondering why the MIBs surround me.

I keep dwelling on my past and what once was ever since my divorce.  Sometimes I want it all back despite the difficulties.  I guess I am afraid of the future and what it will all bring.  Life and the reality we live in sometimes feels like a movie or a spin on the holodeck with the safeties off in an episode of the Star Trek The Next Generation!  As Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage and we are merely players upon it."  So which role have I been playing here and how do I now go on to the develop the character I have created?

I thought I was going to be running a publishing company publishing not just my own novels but others but it appears the MIBs and Universe had other plans for me.  The insurance costs are too high and I am left publishing my own novels for now.  I have encountered block after block trying to publish others.  The minute I realised the hard decision I had to make despite letting others down, all the pieces in life's jigsaw fell in to place and the road became a lot easier.

Was this all orchestrated by my MIBs?  All to make me understand I needed to put my own work or should I say the work they inspired and helped me to write first?  I am dismayed but I am going out on a limb here and trying to trust they are guiding me on to the right life path.  As I have mentioned before trust whether in life or with spirit does not come easy for me.

There are no guarantees in this world even if you have a group of MIBs guiding and protecting you.  We have free will  no matter what, right?  Or is it just like the Adjustment Bureau?  Maybe free will is a cleverly crafted illusion, a holodeck experience and we are just playing a role in life to learn something?

I am now being asked to trust them like I never have before with my finances, health and future.  Could you relinquish control of your life to others who profess to know exactly where you are going and what you are supposed to be doing and take a chance?  I often daydream or meditate and see myself driving a sleek black car which I take to represent my independence, life, direction and career.  I am usually racing along a road that stretches for miles through what looks like the Grand Canyon.  There is no one else on the road.  I will thunder over a cross roads going straight on.  Sometimes I reverse back and go another way or if I am feeling annoyed with myself and my MIBs as to why things aren't going right and I am unsure of my destination, I will enjoy myself doing handbrake turns and wheel spins.  This probably represents me going nowhere because I can't make up my mind.

When I am fully in charge, I will pick up speed and take off and the car changes in to a sleek passenger aircraft.  As I climb higher to emerge triumphant through the clouds, although resembling the title sequence of Airplane I, my plane transforms in to a spacecraft and shoots off in to space charging ahead at warp speed like any good Trekkie would visualise in a meditation!  Lol.  And off I go, Star Trekkin across the universe.  I saw Jamiroquai's video for Cosmic Girl last night with him driving and racing the cars along the road and it reminded me of this visualisation.  Great video.

Anyway, there are days when I am not driving.  Instead I am sitting in the passenger seat and my principal MIB guide and twin flame, Nathan is driving.  This is often when I am down or experiencing symptoms of my illness or my lack of indecision at which direction to take cripples me.  He usually drives at a sedate comfortable pace not the fast dynamic one I like to drive at.  But once I made the decisions on Friday to change the nature of my business he sat me an image of him driving the car at a fast pace as though he was trying to get me somewhere quick and make up time because I was late.  Hopefully, this will mean success for my company, Star Temple Publishing Ltd.  There are those stars again.  That is his fault.  Since the Christmas before last he and the rest of the MIBs have shown me stars everywhere I go, on clothes, in shops, on the TV etc.  I used to moan that it was the wrong symbol of encouragement as they were unreachable.  Still it influenced me to called my company Star Temple.  Then when I heard the song All The Stars Are Closer a couple of weeks ago and my company website went live, I finally got the message.

I have so many questions about the MIBs around me.  And I occasionally wonder how often Nathan has been driving in my life.  Maybe we are not supposed to be in control all of the time.  How far do I let them help me?  How far would you take it?

When I first visited a Medium and attended her spiritual development circle because I wanted to discover what the small pin picks of colourful light were that I was seeing and the fact that the character in my book appeared to be real and visiting me as a spirit, I was told some interesting information.

My friend saw Nathan and after remarking on his striking looks and saying she wouldn't mind a bit of that! Lol.  She informed me that my life was a team effort.  My soul group had come with me and I was just the one with the body.  This information came to me in 2011.  Apparently I had volunteered for the job and I was the best one to do it.  Idiot, last time I volunteer for anything again! :). They said I am like a spy on a mission and when I get back, I would be congratulated on a job well done.  Hmmm, wish I felt like I was doing a good job.  I am all over the place with everything.  I always get so frustrated with the world and what is happening in it especially regarding women.  From being a child, I have felt compelled to scream and shout about it to whoever will listen and even to those who try to ignore it and try to lead a peaceful life of blissful ignorance in this dream world.  Watching the news always sets me off so I try not to engage with it anymore.  My gripes with the world used to cause a lot of annoyance in my family who just wanted to watch the TV.

My pet hates are sexism, racism, ageism and in fact any ism.  I am nobody special but I still feel the need to speak out against injustice whenever I see it.  I have always said that I am hear to scream and shout about it all and very recently when another Medium friend channelled a spirit, a message came through that I was right.  I had never told her about my feelings and the spirit gave another message through her that was so personal, something I had never told anyone that I was confident she revealed the truth.

The other thing I have known for a while is that this is the last life I am here for.  A Medium has also confirm this.  I have completed the life cycles and this was just an extra one, a special mission.  This ties in with everything I have learnt about Indigo Adults & Starseeds.  I know I am from a different dimension, I have seen evidence of it.  Maybe it is an alien one.  I discuss it in my new book which will come out soon.  But for now I will get back to my real job, screaming and shouting.  Even as I sit writing a draft of this post in Carluccios having breakfast, I am sitting in a black work suit.  I am one of them - the woman in black.  One thing is for sure I am the one in charge of this team and this mission is going to be successful. :)

What is your mission here?    

Enjoy your weekend and remember, don't have nightmares!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this as it just opened my eyes to the truth. I was wondering. Scared worried and very tired. I'm 26 but yet I guess this is my extra one like you said. I'm broken sometimes but I know. Just like you when we all get back. It will be rewarded. Amen and again your awesome. But I get like you said the minds eye I t tells me before things happen. People's thoughts their feelings. Even their conversations I'm told about. Life is tough but once your over the mountain reach for the Stars- Stephen Patrick Butt 1992 please reply back I'd love to know more.
